The train

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I got up at around 5:00 am the next morning and put my suitcase in the car. I just sat in the front room until everyone else woke up. The second person to wake up was mum. She came down the stairs and sat next to me. I fake smiled and said, "Good morning."

My mum gave me a hug and said, "Rosie, I can tell when you're faking. What's wrong?" 

Man, my mum was a brilliant actress. 

"I am fine." I realized all too late that using the contraction would look less suspicious. My mum looked at me dubiously. I just fake smiled and pretended to occupy myself with a book, the purpose of it in which was hiding my tears. 

My dad came down the stairs, and my mum beckoned him over. "Ron, will you talk with me for a sec?" 

My dad followed my mum into the kitchen and I eavesdropped from just behind the doorway. 

"Ron, what do we do? This morning she's still feeling off!"

"Well, we could talk to her..."

"I already tried that. I dunno what else to do!"

"I'm trained to be an Auror, I can try to sleuth it out, or interrogate her..."

I could almost see my mum facepalming. 

"Ron, if this keeps up at Hogwarts, what do we do? Something is wrong with my daughter and I want to know exactly what it is and what I can do to help her."

"'Mione, maybe it's just something that teenage girls go through. You went through a sad and surly stage once, maybe she got it from you..."

"When did I ever go through a sad and surly stage?"

"While I was dating Lavender"

"Ronald, that was because I love you."

"Point taken..."

I slipped back into the living room and pretended to still be occupied with that book. My parents were really good at acting, they kept it up for fourteen years. I felt the tears welling up in my eyes. Rosie don't cry... ROSIE DON'T CRY!!!!!! But it was too late. Fat, hot tears were running down my cheeks, and my body started shaking with the force of the sobs. 

I barely heard my parents coming out of the kitchen but next thing I knew my father was hugging me and rocking me back and forth on our old rocking chair, like he did when I was a little girl...

I kept crying, and my dad whispered "I love you" into my ear. I almost believed it for a second. I loved my dad, even if he hated me! 

After a few moments, my dad fell asleep and I got up and into the car. My family joined me after a few minutes and we hit the road. 

When we arrived at the platform, I hugged my parents and stepped into the most empty compartment I could find. Sure that I was alone, I cried buckets. I didn't stop to do anything, although I was severely dehydrated from all the crying, and all I felt was my pain and my hurt. 

About half an hour in, Scorpius Malfoy came into my compartment. He sat next to me and asked, "What's wrong Rose?"

"Nothing." I lied with the most straight face I could muster. He wasn't convinced. "Well, if you need someone to talk to, I'm always here." he left and I went back to sobbing. 

Then I heard a thump just above my compartment and I froze. Then, through the window, I saw something that shook me to my very core. 

There was a person in black robes and a death eater mask that was crawling in through the window of the compartment. I tried to scream for help but the person clapped a hand over my mouth and bound me. They started dragging me out the window and I bit their hand and screamed for help. 

Lily, my cousin, came into the compartment, but realized all too late what was happening. She was bound and thrown against the seat on the compartment wall, and she screamed. Albus, Lily's brother, came in with Scorpius soon after. They also saw what was happening and realized too late. The person took me to the roof of the train and disapperated. 

My first idea for the Scorose relationshipWhere stories live. Discover now