I was really hoping to avoid explaining this mess...

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When I opened my eyes again, my vision was very blurry. Is this what uncle Harry felt like without his glasses?

I looked around the room, and after a second I realized I was in the hospital wing. It was dark, with only a few dim lamps to light the room. My parents were asleep next to me in chairs, my mum with her hair everywhere, and my dad drooling the slightest bit. 

I was surrounded by beds, each one with curtains and a matching blue blanket. Suddenly Albus sat up in the bed next to mine. "Rose?" he whispered. "It's me." I said, and Albus looked relieved. 

"Hello?" Scorpius whispered, sitting up in the other bed that was next to mine. "SCORPIUS!" I whisper yelled. "We survived!"

Scorpius looked excited. "Should we wake our parents?"

I looked at my dad again, his face peaceful, his snoring soft. "I don't want to disturb them." I mumbled, and Albus and Scorpius agreed. 

"What day is it anyways?" I asked, and Albus looked at the calendar that was next to his bed and he gasped. 

"We've been unconscious for a week!"

Scorpius and I stared at him in pure shock. A week!? I lay back on my bed and Scorpius looked quite pale, to say the least. 

"Well, shall we get to work on our school assignments?" I asked. Albus groaned and Scorpius nodded. 

"Okay then. Let's get to work."

We worked on our assignments until dawn, when our parents woke up. 

I was working on a charms essay when my dad woke up suddenly, closely followed by my mum. "ROSE?!" my parents sat straight up and I put down my essay. 

My mum hugged me as tight as she probably could and my dad joined the hug. "Oh thank goodness!" My mum cried onto me. "It was so awful when you got hit with that curse! That awful moment was easily worst five minutes of my life. When we came over to you... you had lost your body heat, we couldn't find a pulse, and you weren't moving or breathing! Then..." she was crying too hard to finish. 

My dad looked at me. "Then you started breathing and your body got warm, and you had a pulse again. I am so glad you're alive."

"I am too." I hugged them again. 

I looked up and Draco was hugging Scorpius, and uncle Harry and aunt Ginny were hugging Albus. We all stayed like this for a while, before we finally separated. 

"So..." Aunt Ginny said, "do you kids care to explain?"

Albus and Scorpius looked at me. "We found you with Delphi first. You explain."

I sighed. "All of it? From the very beginning?" They nodded. "I still am wondering some things, like, why did it mean so much when Delphi said that thing in the bathroom?"

"Okay fine." I grabbed my wand and took some memories out of my head. "Watch this. It'll explain everything."

"No Rose, we want you to verbally explain this." Uncle Harry said. 

"Where do I start?" I thought to myself. 

"Well, it's really... um... complicated. So, I was in the hallway..."

"No, Rose, it started earlier than that." Albus said. 

"Okay then, it started around new years. I woke up one morning and my parents told me that I was a disappointment and that they hated me and wished I had never been born..."

Uncle Harry, Aunt Ginny, Draco, Scorpius and Albus glared at my parents. "Well, something weird did happen that day..." my mum mumbled. "What was that?" Aunt Ginny spat. "I woke up late, and my alarm even went off. I was really rushed to get out to work so I didn't check on Rose and Hugo, the same thing happened to Ron. When we got home Rose was acting really sad and Hugo said that she didn't eat anything or go downstairs all day."

My first idea for the Scorose relationshipWhere stories live. Discover now