Office Job

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We burst into the school and ran up each staircase as fast as we could. We were being threatened, and we needed the help of our parents...

Our parents...

I cried and Scorpius looked at me, confusion and worry written all over his face. "I'm fine" I forced out. Albus and Scorpius shared a worried glance and I forced myself to ignore it. We tried to get to the office, but Delphi jumped in front of the door right as we reached it. "Well well well, our little heroine and her friends decided to go tattle, did they?" 

I pulled out my wand and she laughed. "Just what are you doing?"

Ignoring her, I muttered "Brachiabindo" but she deflected it and sent back a crucio, which hit me right on my heart. It felt like someone had stabbed me with a hot sword covered in scorpion venom, and I collapsed. Scorpius ran over to me and Albus tried to fight Delphi. She deflected all of our spells with ease. 

We ran for the window, and she stopped us with a trip wire spell that sent us sprawling on the marble floor. Luckily, Filch is really good about sending Ms. Norris 2 up here and the stupid cat had her finest hour. 

She tripped Delphi. 

We got up and ran to the statue, who, seeing the seriousness of the situation, let us in. The office was empty, with only papers in neat stacks and the headmaster's and headmistress's portraits. "Granger Weasley, Potter, Malfoy?" Severus Snape's portrait mumbled. "Phineas, you handle them..." 

"No no NO Armondo, you handle it!"





"I'm retired though!"


While Armondo Dippet and Phineas Black argued, Albus Dumbledore turned to us. "What is going on, pray tell?" he asked softly. "We are being chased by the crazy daughter of Voldemort and Bellatrix Lestrange." Scorpius said in the most casual way possible. 

Dumbledore nodded. "I see. Are you trying to get Minerva?" 

"Yes." Albus responded

"I will go to my portrait in the hospital wing and spread word. You may stay here while she is here." 

"Thank you sir." I said, and we sat down in the chairs in front of her desk. It was awkward, to say the least. The portraits were looking at us and whispering to each other while we just sat there twiddling our thumbs. 

Then we saw a flash of green light illuminate the window and Delphi came crashing in, a murderous look on her face. "YOU THREE ARE DEAD!!!!!!!! ALL OF YOU!!!!!!!!" 

We jumped up and raced for the door, but she blocked it. I looked around desperately for a weapon, but found none, because my wand had fallen out of my pocket. Delphi smirked and pointed her own wand at me. "AVADA KEDAVRA!"

I dodged it just barely, and it hit a globe on the other side of the room. Then, we realized something. 

The window wasn't blocked. 

Without thinking, and doing something I can't believe I did to this day, I jumped on top of the desk, grabbed onto the light fixture, swung across the floor, grabbed the sorting hat, pulled out Gryffindor's sword, and pointed it at Delphi. 

Scorpius and Albus just stared at me while Delphi glared. "Don't you dare hurt them..." I said in the most threatening way I could. 

Scorpius and Albus followed me and we tumbled out the window, sorting hat and all. 

My first idea for the Scorose relationshipWhere stories live. Discover now