Four days

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The person was dragging me through the forest. Oh my gosh I was just kidnapped! I bit back my tears, but had a hard time doing so. The figure said nothing and didn't stop moving until they put me down in a clearing. After they did put me down, I screamed bloody murder and, consequently had a cloth wrapped around my mouth. 

Then the figure muttered "Crucio"

I felt the worst pain I had ever felt in my whole life. I screamed, and the figure just laughed. The kidnapper/torturer turned out to be a woman, and they were careful to not let me figure out anything else about them. I spent four days in her clutches, running around and getting tortured a lot. Then, I found a means of escape. 

We were just outside of London, she had tortured me three times already that day, and I was bound, as I had been the whole time. 

I ran into the crowd and tried to blend in with them, adding to the noise and overall commotion of the sidewalk. The woman in the mask was in the crowd searching for me, and I went underground into a metro station. 

Following the tracks and careful to be out of sight, I went about a mile before I encountered her at another station. A bunch of muggles had their cell phones out and they were putting live feed on YouTube. So much for the international statute of secrecy....

"CRUCIO!" the woman yelled, and it hit me in the chest. I fell over screaming, and one of the muggles in the crowd said, "She's having a seizure! Someone call 911! This girl needs a doctor!"

Everyone was too busy recording to call, even the person who yelled for someone to call. 

The woman turned to look at me and yelled "CRUCIO!" again. 

The pain was excruciating, and I inwardly begged an Auror to come. Any Auror, even my dad, I just wanted to get out. 

Then I realized that I could run back into the tunnel. 

Hermione's POV

My baby girl had been kidnapped, and my nephew and nephew's best friend had gone after her to try and save her. I was, needless to say, stressed and worried. Ron was with me in my office, and we were trying to concentrate on work when the TV came on with breaking news. 

"Breaking news! Rose Granger Weasley has been spotted in London, and muggles now have knowledge of the cruciatus curse!"

Ron and I jumped up and Harry burst in. "Oh my gosh, this is a double whammy!" he groaned. We would have to delete the videos by hacking into the muggle's accounts, obliviate the ones that saw it...

"We will now show this amateur live footage from the scene." the reporter said, and I saw my daughter, hands bound, running from her kidnapper. "CRUCIO!" the person yelled, and Rose collapsed, screaming. Ron looked like he was going to kill a certain woman in a death eater mask. 

"She's having a seizure! Someone call 911! This girl needs a doctor!" I groaned and slumped against the desk. 

I looked up just in time to see Rose escape. 

We were all in stunned silence for the next thirty seconds, and then there was an uproar. Harry and Ron left to get some extra backup to go find Rose, and Ginny and I figured out some ways to help them. 

Back to Rose

I had done it. I escaped from my kidnapper and I was then walking the streets of London with my hands tied and blood all over me. Some people took pictures of me and posted them online. Then, I ended up in an alleyway, before a horribly familiar voice said behind me, "Thought you escaped?"

Oh my gosh my kidnapper found me. 

I ran towards them, knocking them off balance, and tore down the street. 

Soon, I was in a part of London that was all but deserted, save a few people on the other side of the street. 

The kidnapper approached me, and I closed my eyes. I was all but dead until....

My first idea for the Scorose relationshipWhere stories live. Discover now