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Albus's POV

Right after Rose and Scorpius were levitated into the forest

I was darting through the trees in the forest, yelling Rose and Scorpius's names and almost in tears as I did so. I needed to have them with me, I was admittedly too stupid to do anything on my own. 

After about an hour of feverish searching, I paused. I was out of breath and needing a break, so I slumped against a tree. 

I heard some rustling in the bushes and I jumped. The bushes stopped rustling for a second, and I slowly made my way over to them, parting the branches to reveal...

Alice Longbottom?


"SHHHHHHH!!!! My dad will kill me if he finds out I did this..."

I dropped my voice to a whisper. "How long have you been following me?"

"Ever since I saw you run out of the school. Who was that crazy lady with the white hair?"

"I'll explain.. er... later. Do you want to help me look?"

"Of course! Rose is my best friend."

We started going through the forest together. "Albus?"

I turned to look at her. "Yes Alice?"

"Have you noticed how Rose has been acting? It's weird."

"Yeah, she has been acting weird."

"Did something, other than the kidnapping, happen?"

"I don't know of anything."

Alice sighed "I'm really worried about her. Generally she is pretty happy but she hasn't smiled for a month."

We kept talking about Rose until we hit a clearing. The sky shone bright with stars, and I turned to Alice. 

"We should probably tuck in, we can't work without sleep." She agreed and helped me gather some leaves. We lay on top of our leaf pile for a few minutes before she said, "I hope Rose and Scorpius are alright."

"I hope so too Alice. They're smart, they'll find a way out of this." Alice nodded and we fell asleep peacefully on the leaf pile. 

My first idea for the Scorose relationshipWhere stories live. Discover now