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This story is Rose's point of view mostly, as are most of my other ones. 

I woke up that fateful morning excited and happy. It was the day before we went back to Hogwarts, and Christmas and New Years were happy and exciting. I was looking forward to going back to Hogwarts and having more adventures in its ancient walls. 

Then I noticed my parents standing in the doorway. 

"Hi mum and dad. What is it?" I asked casually. 

"Rose, we need to talk with you for a second. It's really big, and I think you can handle the information that we will now give you."

I nodded and listened. 

"Rose, you have been a disappointment." I felt like someone had taken my heart and put it under an anvil.

"What? What do you mean?! What do I need to do to fix this?" 

"Nothing, Rose, we don't love you. Never did, never will. Hugo though... Hugo is not a disappointment. Albus wouldn't have run away if it weren't for you and you ignoring him. You are a failure and we wish you never were born."

My heart felt crushed. Ruined, broken, fragmented, splintered, ruptured, torn, whatever word you want to use, it happened to my heart just then. I started trembling and burst into tears. My parents just rolled their eyes and said, "Don't tell Hugo or anyone else. Don't mention it to us, in fact, try not to talk to us at all." 

I nodded and my parents left.  I kept crying until my lungs and throat were sore, and even then, tears fell down my face. I didn't go downstairs for breakfast or anything else all day. I was already packed for Hogwarts and I didn't want to face my mum and dad at all. My mother and father came in after they were done at work, and my mum tried to talk to me. 

"Rose, Hugo said you didn't come downstairs at all today and never ate anything either. You feeling okay?" My mother asked softly. I mumbled, "I'm fine." I could almost feel my parent's fake worried looks on me. I wanted to throw up and go to Hogwarts already. 

"I can tell when you're lying, sweetie. Are you sick?" My mum put her hand to my forehead and pulled it back. "You feel a little warm. Get some rest. We love you."

I burst into tears. My mom pulled me upwards and hugged me. My dad's clear blue eyes met mine, and he grabbed my hand. "Rosie, don't cry! What's going on?" he asked. I shook my head and flopped back on the bed. My mum and dad left, and I pretended to fall asleep over the course of half an hour. 

My first idea for the Scorose relationshipWhere stories live. Discover now