This whole thing...

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I opened my eyes in a place that was all white, even my clothes. "Hello?" I asked, and my voice echoed through the space. "Am I dead?"

"Well, sweetheart, that all depends on you." I jumped and turned around. 

Right behind me stood a red haired man, he looked a lot like Uncle George, up to and including the mischievous smile on his freckle peppered face. "Who are you?" I asked, and it suddenly hit me. 

He was Uncle Fred! The uncle we never met! "Well, Rose, I have to say. That was awesome. Very honorable way to go down, if you want to stay dead that is. If you don't that's cool too, if I were you I'd probably go back. But no, I didn't get that option. You see, it was hitting my head against a brick wall ~pun intended by the way~ to try to convince someone to do so."

"That was a little dark Uncle Fred."

"You're allowed to joke about that stuff when you're dead. James Potter, Harry's dad, jokes about getting hit with the killing curse. I guess it's just a coping mechanism." 


"You're great though. You are an amazing niece and I wish I could have watched you grow up. You are awesome too, you didn't kill your dad when you thought he hated you. You almost beat Delphi by yourself. You rescued Scorpius, saved Albus and Scorpius many, many times and here you are. You are amazing."

"Thank you... Really, that meant a lot."

"I meant every word. Anyways, back to the point. You may go back..."


"...Let me finish...."


"If you do tell Ron that I love him, tell your Grandma I love her, tell Ginny she's great, tell Bill he is a great father and brother, tell Percy I'm glad he stopped being stupid, tell Charlie that he's amazing, and tell George that 'Predicament Pastries' is a good idea for another product. Also, tell all your cousins that they're great. And tell Scorpius that my ghost will haunt him forever if he doesn't treat you well."

"OK. How do I go back?"

"Just think about your loved ones."

I thought of my mum and my dad, their love for me and their amazing personalities and patience. I thought of Hugo, with his bravery and protectiveness. I thought of Scorpius, how much I loved him. I thought of all my cousins, Aunts, Uncles, friends, and my grandparents. 

Slowly this white world melted away and I melted with it. 

My first idea for the Scorose relationshipWhere stories live. Discover now