Just another day as Rose Jean Granger Weasley

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Recovery was... boring, to be perfectly frank. I really hated all the lying in bed there was, and although my parents saw me a few times per day it still felt very.... well... you know how I described it. 

After I was released though, I was overjoyed to return to normal life. I was now good friends with Albus and Scorpius, and we would constantly say hi to each other in the hallways and hang out after classes. Life had truly changed for the better after that horrible incident and I was glad that it was over...

Well, it wasn't exactly over then. You see, when you are targeted by Voldemort's demon spawn, it doesn't stop at the duel. A few days later the Augrey's dark mark was in the sky and Scorpius, Albus and I saw the message that it conveyed very clearly. 

She was after us. 

There was no escape. 

She was gonna try to murder us. 

Just another day as Rose Jean Granger Weasley! 

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