Leo and Scorpio

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I opened my eyes again on the forest floor with a lot of pain and throbbing in my arm and ankle. The ground was covered in frost, and it was dark. Very dark. 

I pushed myself up and looked at my ankle. A little bit of the bone had penetrated my skin, and blood covered my sock. Using a trick I learned from James, I set my own bone. It snapped into place, leaving me in not as much pain as before. I pushed myself up onto it, and it hurt but I could endure it. 

I sat down again on a log near me. What could I do? I put my face in my hands and let my tears flow. I was stressed and my parents hated me. Well, at least nobody would care if I died, their happiness mattered more than mine...

I didn't hear anyone coming, but I felt someone's arms around me. "Rosie, it's going to be alright." 

I looked to the side of me to see Scorpius, tears in his eyes. We looked at each other for a few moments before I burst into tears again. Scorpius just held me and hummed 'Dilly Dilly', a lullaby my dad used to sing me when I was a young girl. 

Even thinking about my dad set me off. Scorpius was patient, though, and he held my hand through it and comforted me. I was a mess. I couldn't keep doing this, I had to tell someone but... who? Scorpius's eyes welled up with tears and he started to cry. "What's wrong?" I asked him softly. 

"I miss my mum." 

I kept crying. My mum hated me, but I still loved her. We just stayed like that, hugging each other until we started to get tired. We took some leaves from the forest floor and made a makeshift bed in the middle of the forest. We needed to conserve body heat, so we lay next to each other. He fell asleep after a while, and, careful not to disturb him, I slipped out of his arms. 

Scorpius looked like a baby as he slept. He twitched his nose every now and then, and mumbled random things like, 'I want cookies'

I walked over to the clearing in the trees and lay down, looking at the stars. I was a Leo, like my uncle Harry, and my dad once said that the Leos got the bad luck with horcruxes, my Aunt Ginny was a Leo, and so was my uncle Harry. The thought of me getting mixed up in a horcrux deal scared my mum so bad that she actually had me checked at St Mungo's afterwards, I was six months old at the time. 

I started to wonder, What did I do to make my parents hate me? They acted like they loved me for almost fourteen and a half years, why did they keep this from me? I felt the tears welling up in my eyes at the thought of my parents. 

I cried myself asleep in the clearing. 

Scorpius's POV

I opened my eyes and realized that Rose wasn't next to me. "Rose?" I whispered. "Rose?" 

No answer. 

Where was she?! "Rose?!" I got up and started looking around. 

I finally found her lying in a clearing, and she scared me at first. Her cheeks had pinked a lot during the night, and her eyes were closed. I ran and sat down next to her. "Rosie, Rose wake up!!!!!"

Rose's POV

I am in the kitchen with my mother, she is baking some cake. "Mummy?" I ask. "Do you love me?" 

My mum looks at me and smiles. "Rosie, I love you more than anything in the whole wide world, your dad and Hugo too."

I hug her and she hugs me back...

"ROSE!!! WAKE UP!!!!!"

I wake up suddenly with Scorpius next to me. "Rose, you scared me so bad!" 

"Sorry, I... well..." 

"It's fine, we should probably get going."

But where would we go?

My first idea for the Scorose relationshipWhere stories live. Discover now