The duel

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I dodged it and threw back a non verbal stunning spell, which she effortlessly dodged. "CRUCIO!" she screamed, and it hit Albus in the chest. He fell to the ground screaming, and Scorpius threw an expelliarmus at her, but she blocked it and threw back another crucio. 

She went up and hovered above us, and I realized what needed to happen. "ACCIO BROOM!" 

Seconds later, a broom flew into my hand. I kicked off the ground and, with one hand on the handle, pointed my wand at Delphi.  Albus and Scorpius summoned brooms as well, but,  unfortunately, Albus couldn't get his up. Flying was not his thing, and it wasn't Scorpius's either.

I guess it was up to me. 




(sloth grip roll to dodge) "STUPEFY!"




"AAAAAAAAA!"(Yes, that cruciatus curse hit me.) 




(It grazed me)





(She dodged it effortlessly)


(I was barely able to dodge it)

Albus's POV

Oh my gosh that was terrifying, watching my cousin up there. When I couldn't get my broom off the ground, my mum was able to catch up with me and she stopped, panting for a few moments before forcing out "Don't... do... that.... ever... again!!!!!" 

"Sorry mum , but Rose is dueling up there and I don't want to lose my cousin!" Aunt Hermione looked like she was going to scream as another killing curse missed Rose by less than an inch. My dad, Uncle Ron, and Draco came down from the roof and my dad hugged me, and Draco hugged Scorpius. 

We all looked up at the duel that was happening overhead, Rose was losing, but for the age that she was, she was holding up very well. 

"AVADA KEDAVRA!" Aunt Hermione covered her eyes as another killing curse barely missed its target. 

Rose's POV

I couldn't look down, I had to keep my head in the game, no matter how hard it got. "AVADA KEDAVRA...."

"STUPEFY!" we said our spells at the same time, the bolts crossed in midair, giving off a huge burst of light. 

We fought like this for a while, our bolts crossing here and there, mostly we were dodging each other's spells. But then we both threw ourselves into it, putting all the power we could muster. Our bolts crossed in midair

This was it. Whoever broke off would lose the duel, and quite possibly their life. 

I held as tight as I could, my blood pounding in my ears. I couldn't slip.... I wouldn't let myself slip... If I slipped my parents would have to take care of this... 

Just then there was a bang and the force threw us both backwards. I felt myself hit the ground and didn't move for several seconds. Albus and Scorpius lifted up their wands and Delphi dueled them. They didn't last very long, Delphi made a blast that made everything go white and the noise was deafening. I looked up and Albus and Scorpius were unconscious on the ground. I turned to Delphi and muttered, "Stupefy"

Delphi, unfortunately, was ready, and she blocked me easily. "Avada Kedavra."

I jumped out of the way of the spell. And, just like that, we were dueling again. But this time, it was fiercer. She wanted me dead, I wanted her captured. 

"AVADA KEDAVRA!" She yelled, but this time I wasn't going down. She had hurt me, Scorpius and Albus enough already, I was done. "STUPEFY!" I threw all of my energy and power into this one. Delphi wasn't expecting that, so she started to slide. I could feel the power at my fingertips, sending surges of warmth through my body. Then I felt Delphi throwing more power into hers. We matched each other in raw power, which is what we were using. The light was blinding, winds and power surges picked up around us. The ground began to sink, and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. 

This was a wonderful feeling, but I felt sapped. As it turns out, your body can only take so much of this stuff. I slipped, and Delphi, from the shock, slipped as well. 

Ginny's POV

The light from that blast was blinding, I couldn't imagine what must have been in there. I shielded my eyes, holding Harry close. Draco had his eyes shut. Just then we heard a loud boom, and we looked up to see that the light had stopped, leaving a huge crater. Rose and Delphi were clutching their wands, rather unsure of what just happened. 

Rose's POV

I looked around, shaking. Delphi looked up at me and mumbled, "Crucio."


"Avada Kedavra"




We were both very tired, so we couldn't really fight as well as we could before. But, Delphi still had the upper hand. 

"Avada Kedavra."

It hit me in the forehead, everything went green and then white. 

My first idea for the Scorose relationshipWhere stories live. Discover now