Um... mum, dad? I can explain.

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"Rose? Wake up."

I groaned and opened my eyes in front of McGonagall's office. Scorpius was kneeling over me, worry evident on his face. Albus was knocking on the griffin. 

"Hi Scorpius."

Scorpius hugged me. "I thought I lost you for a second."

I nodded in response. I felt so much lighter with the knowledge that my parents still loved me. 

The griffin moved to reveal a spiral staircase, which I ran up, accompanied by Albus and Scorpius. 

When we reached the top, our parents were all conversing with McGonagall, and when they saw us they showered us with hugs and kisses. 

My parents were delighted when I threw myself into their arms and hugged them. "It's so nice to have the old Rosie back." my dad said. "Oh, you have no idea..." I said, tears in my eyes. 

Just then we heard a loud crash and my stomach sank as Delphi came into view from the window. My dad jumped in front of my mum and I, wand raised. Harry did the same for Albus and Aunt Ginny, and Draco for Scorpius. 

"Aw, you got your pawents!!" Delphi said in a baby voice. "Too bad mummy and daddy won't be seeing you after this!"

My dad looked angrier than I had ever seen him before. "Delphi, if you hurt any of them..."

Delphi laughed, cutting my dad off. "Oh, then I must weally be in fow it!" 

I grabbed my dad's arm. "Rose, stay back. I don't want you getting hurt." he said. "Little too late for that," I thought. Delphi started levitating things around the room, and my dad started pushing my mum and I out of the room, Harry and Draco followed suit. "Ron, I can fight!" my mum protested, but my dad just shook his head. "I can't risk losing you... or you, Rosie."

I burst into tears. I took my parent's love for granted, and then this happens and I appreciate it again. My parents took me into their arms and I smiled through my tears. "I don't want to lose you like that again Rosie." my dad said.

"I'm sorry." I whispered. 

My dad got up and left my mum and I. "Rose, we need to get you to safety." my mum said, determination evident in her tone. Suddenly I got an idea. Delphi was trying to get me... what if I just gave myself up?

I hugged my mum as tight as I could. "I love you mum."

"Rose, what? What are you doing?!" my mum asked. I looked at her and said, "I'm so sorry for what I put you and dad through."

With that I ran in the other direction. "ROSE!!!!" my mum got up and chased me. "DON'T!!! ROSIE, DON'T!!!!!" she yelled as she ran. Soon I was accompanied by Albus and Scorpius. "Guys, what are you doing?!" 

"We're gonna help." Scorpius said. "No, don't, please."

They looked at me. "Sorry Rose. But, we kinda have to."

We finally hit the outside. Aunt Ginny and my mum were hot on our heels, only wanting to stop us from what we were about to do. 

"ALBUS SEVERUS POTTER!!!!!" Aunt Ginny screamed. "DON'T DO THIS!!!!!!!" 

Albus looked behind him longingly for a brief second, but quickly turned away. We knew what we had to do. 

From the ground, we could see that a fierce battle was being fought. My dad had been pushed to the roof, and Uncle Harry was trying to save him. Draco was trying to distract Delphi from both of them, but even the three of them working together was no match for her. 

"We go down, we go down together." I said softly, and Albus and Scorpius nodded. We pulled out our wands and raced for the battleground. 

I hit Delphi with a shocking spell to get her to turn around. "Ah, it's Rosie, Scorpy, and Albus."

"KIDS!!! NO! DON'T!!!!!!" our dads were all yelling the same thing. As painful as it was, we ignored all of them. 

Delphi came down and looked at all three of us in turn. 

"Your daddies and Rosie and Albus's mummies are going to be sad when you're dead."

My first idea for the Scorose relationshipWhere stories live. Discover now