Take on me

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Rose's POV

I struggled against the binding. Scorpius was being taken away and I was about to be starved to death! I tried to remember everything I learned about spiders. 

Do their webs have any weakness? Well, pulling against them after a while would only make them stronger, so their sticky function had to be the one challenged, not the structure. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my perfume. It was worth a shot. 

I sprayed it on the web and the part wasn't as sticky. Spraying along the edges, I was able to free myself and stand up. Then I heard a lurching sound behind me and the car showed its sheepish cowardly dashboard. 

I kicked the car's bumper, immediately regretting it because I used my broken ankle. I yelled in pain and the car went slightly backwards. I felt the tears slip out of my eyes, because of my ankle and Scorpius and my parents. I was crying because of everything, all at once. Just over a month ago I was chatting with my parents about quidditch and things like that. The parents that pretended to love me all those years. I didn't know about or worry about Delphi, I was just a fourteen year old girl who had a happy life and was fairly normal! Now I'm stuck in a forest with a cowardly blue car and my parents hate me and I dunno where my cousin is and Scorpius has been taken by spiders! 

Then, the car nudged my broken arm, making me wince. "What, you cowardly... er... vehicle."

I noticed the keys were still in the ignition. 

I got into the driver's side and started the car up. I drove in the direction the spiders went, determined to save my friend. 

I stopped at a clump of trees near to the spot that the spiders were. I slipped out of the car and walked over to the place, where I looked for Scorpius. Soon I started to get worried. Had they already eaten him?! After a few moments of terror, I finally saw a moving bundle of webbing. I felt a sudden spark of hope and approached the bundle. Taking my perfume, I sprayed the webbing where I assumed the head must be. I unwrapped it to reveal Scorpius looking at me wide eyed. "Rosie?!" he whispered. "SHHHH!" I continued to unwrap him, and we left the lair with no problem until Scorpius stepped on a twig. We heard a rather loud crack and saw one of the largest spiders rise. 

We ran the rest of the way to the car and started it just as the oncoming horde of spiders became visible. "ROSIE! HIT THE GAS!" Scorpius yelled and I pushed on the pedal with my good ankle as hard as I could. We rumbled through the forest, going over tree roots and rocks. Soon, another thing came into view. Albus and Alice were surrounded by people that looked less than friendly, and Alice was trying to stall them as much as possible. I came up behind them and flashed the lights so bright it temporarily blinded the people there. Albus and Alice jumped into the back of the car and we were off. 

 As we went over a larger bump, Scorpius fell forward and, to steady himself, grabbed the dashboard, and in doing so, turned on the radio. 'Take on Me' by Aha was on, and we all were silent for a few moments before Alice mumbled, "Well, this is the weirdest car chase music I've ever heard" and all of us silently agreed. 

We sped through the trees and soon they started thinning. Before we knew it, we were back at Hogwarts. The car's doors opened and we were all thrown out. It sputtered a bit and just sat there. We then heard a rustling in the trunk. Albus and I cautiously approached and opened it, and a big hairy spider the size of a suitcase jumped out and scurried off into the trees and out of sight. 

"Nothing... with that many legs and that many eyes..." I said, "should be that big."

Alice, Albus, and Scorpius nodded. 

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