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I felt very depressed for the next month. I would often wait until everyone else had fallen asleep and I would bawl. It hurt a lot to have those memories, and the kidnapping didn't help. 

Then, on January 29th, I was walking through the hallway when a crowd of students came up to me and bombarded me with questions about the kidnapping. "EVERYBODY EVERYBODY OUTTA THE WAY!!!!!!" I groaned when I saw the source of the voice. Sadie Skeeter, reporter for the school newspaper, the 'Zodiac'. 

She got out two folding chairs in the middle of the hallway and sat me down on one and her on the other. She pulled out her quick quotes quill (I hate those things) and started asking questions. 

"Rose, how much trauma do you think you have suffered after this horrible event?" I looked around for a means of escape, but found none. "Um..." 

"Rose, do you think that this trauma will hurt you in the future?" 


"What does the cruciatus curse feel like?"


"How do you think your parents feel towards your kidnapper?"


Just then Lily saw me and she gasped really loud and pointed toward the wall. Everybody turned and I slipped away unnoticed. After I was in a secluded corner of the east wing, I texted her to thank her and slumped against the wall. I started crying and soon I heard someone approach me. 

"Hello." the woman said, and I realized that I recognized her voice, but I couldn't figure out where I had heard her speak... "What is it?" I asked. 

"I need help. You see, Cedric Diggory, have you heard of him?" I picked my head up and looked at her. "Yes, everybody has."

"Well, I want to undo a wrong. Cedric shouldn't have died, he was too young. He was stolen." 

"Ma'am, he died 27 years ago." I was getting suspicious. 

"Well, I have this." She pulled out a time turner and I gasped. "Those are illegal!!!!!!! Where did you get it?!?!?!" 

"Well, let's not ask questions like that, we need to worry about more important things..." She looked nervous. 

"Who are you and how did you get into Hogwarts, and where did you get that time turner?!" I had my wand pointed at her, and she pulled out something white and showed it to me. 

My blood ran cold. It was the mask of the woman who kidnapped me.

"Who are you?" I tried not to let my voice shake. 

"Delphi Voldemort, at your service. FUSCIO!"

I was bound within half a second. 

"Now, I need help bringing Cedric Diggory back, will you help me now?"

My first idea for the Scorose relationshipWhere stories live. Discover now