Chapter 28

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It was Sam. I smiled up at him and then patted the seat next to me on the couch slightly moving over to give him room to sit. We sat in silence for a minute preparing what to say to each other not to wanting to step wrong.

"I thought you had left?" I asked him pulling my earbuds out my ear and putting them in my backpack knowing I wouldn't need them anymore.

"I did. Got all the way to Franklin street before making a U-turn and coming back. You're my best friend in the whole world Connors and I cant stay mad at you." Sam told me as he rubbed his hand together. It was a nervous habit he picked up back in middle school. He said it helped him focus on one thing and not to go full panic mode. I couldn't stand the thought that I was doing that to him.

"No I understand I've been a pretty shitty friend recently." He looked at me with pity like I said something I wasn't supposed to say.

"I'm assuming the group told you about my little outburst?" I just nodded not wanting to say anything. A little embarrassed at myself. "I'm proud of you I really am but I just want to know that you'll still be there for me. That I won't have to worry about losing my best friend in the whole word."

"Sam I could never replace you for anyone alright?" I told him as I grabbed both his shoulders, "you are possible the most annoying, argumentative, stubborn person I have ever met."

"Wow way to flatter me."

"Shut up let me finish. As I was saying you're all those things but I wouldn't trade it for the world. Who is going to call me out on my shit when I say something out of pocket? Who is gonna have my back when I get myself in trouble? Who is gonna be my favourite person if not you?"

"Aw man your pretty cool too I guess." I punched his shoulder resulting in an ow from him and a laugh from me.

"The coolest," I enveloped him into a hug and squeezed as tight as I could. Sam was forever my best friend and I didn't care who I lose as long as I have him.

The bell signalling the end of lunch is nearing went off. The stupid piercing of the bell made my ears hurt. You would think after almost four years of this bullshit I'd be used to it, but it seems to only have gotten worse.

I grabbed my bag and threw it over my shoulder following Sam out the library and into the hallway that was getting increasingly crowded as time went on. I noticed Anders down the ball catching his eye. I just smiled at him and turned to Sam. We had English next together. Which reminds me of that stupid project that I have with Anders. We really need to make time for that. Which would be a lot easier if he didn't try to jump my bones anytime we were alone know.

"I think I'm going to dip for the rest of the day. My mom is at home and I think we can use some time together today of all days." Sam told me as he adjusted the strap of his backpack on his shoulder.

"Do you want me to come?" I asked him as a I pushed through a group of freshman taking up the entire hallway like the inconsiderate pricks they are.

"Nah I just want it to be the two of us today. You should come over sometime this week though mom has missed you."

"Will do." With that Sam made his way in the opposite direction of English class towards the large doors leading to the parking lot.

"Hey cutie," I smiled and turned around as Anders wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I leaned my head against it as we made our way down the hallway together.

"Have you just been waiting around for me to be alone to snake your way in?"

"Next question." I laughed at his stupidity as we finally managed to make it to class taking our seats next to the window. Anders had his hand on my thigh and mine sat on his as I used my free one to grab my binder from my bag.

The final bell went off as the last students trickled in to class. Mrs. Bors began writing on the white board at the front of the class. In big bold letter the words "work period" were there.

"Today class I will be giving you time to work on the partner project I had given you at the beginning of the month. Remember to take your time on this project and to give it your all. The due date isn't till the end of the semester you still have four months to work on it. Please do not wait till the last minute to start when I am giving you all this time." With that she walked to her desk and pulled out what I can only assume were assignments she would be marking as we worked on our projects.

"Have you started yours yet?" I returned my attention back to the boy sitting next to me. I nodded my head no as I pulled out the notes I had written when we first started the assignment that had been since forgotten till now.

"I still have no idea what I'm gonna write about." I told him honestly trying to find a good idea in the flaming trash pile that were my notes.

"I think I have mine all planned out."

"What that's not fair. What are you going to write about?"

"I'm not telling you." I crossed my arms in silent defeat. My pity party lasted a total of three seconds as he leaned in to kiss my nose softly and my face went red. I was no longer feeling pity but instead embarrassment as I looked around to make sure my reputation wasn't being tarnished by these preposterous acts of public displays of affection.

"You're an idiot," I tell him as I push him back from me.

"I don't care as long as I'm your idiot." my face felt hotter then the Caribbean at his stupid flirting. Instead of saying anything else I just turned back to my papers and started writing jot notes that could hopefully be a potentially good idea.


i be like "permanent hiatus" and then write a chapter in one sitting at 3 am. anyways yah don't expect very much from me any time soon but i thought this would suffice. see y'all in a year when i next upload lmaoo

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