Chapter 24

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Anders POV

He hit him. The fucking dumbass hit my boyfriend. My sight started to blood red as I ran at the asshole tackling him to the floor. I aimlessly starting throwing punches left and right feeling the warm blood on my knuckles.

I kept swinging as people starting to grab at me pulling me off of James, but I wouldn't stop without a fight. My name was being called, more like yelled actually, behind me begging me to stop.

I didn't want to stop. I wanted to hurt anyone who hurt Connor. The thought of it alone made my vision turn red with anger. How could anyone want to hurt my boy. By the time I had calmed myself down I pushed past the arms holding me and made my way to Connor trying to make sure he was okay.

He was knocked unconscious and would probably have a concussion because of it, but he was breathing and he would be up soon and that's all that mattered. I shouldn't have attacked James. I should have made sure Connor was okay first I'm so fucking stupid.

I felt a hand on my shoulder making me tense up already knowing who it was.

"Mr. Gold would you please come with me," the stern voice of the principal scared the fuck out of me. I've got into trouble quite a few times and it's easy to tell at this point when he was really mad and right now mad doesn't even begin to describe the way he spoke.

"Not right now," my voice was shaking I have never felt this vulnerable. A piece of me felt like I had been shot at multiple times and then someone decided to throw salt at the wounds just for the fun of it.

The principals footstep sounded from behind to in front of me I looked up at him and mustered the most kicked puppy look I could muster. He sighed and began to walk away.

"Bring Mr. Walsh to the nurses office and make sure he is ok. First thing tomorrow I want you in my office to settle this." He sternly informed me before he was out of ear shot distance.

I quickly obliged and picked Connor up putting his arm around my shoulder and one of Connor's friends had taken his other side and we slowly made out way to the nurses.

"I can tell you really care for him," the guy had spoken up. His name was on the tip of my tongue but for the life of me I couldn't figure out what it was, "My names Damien by the way, I don't think we've properly met before."

I chuckled a bit at that because we have met before, he was just too drunk to remember, "I know who you are I met you at the party last night, man."

His cheeks turned a shade of red so dark that it matched the colour of his hair, "yah I'm still drunk from that sorry I don't remember."

"It's alright. I'm surprised your even able to walk considering how bright the sun is," apparently that comment struck a chord with him because his smile dropped.

"I don't have an allergy to the sun I'm just a ginger!" He looked pretty mad and I would've prolly put my hands up in defence if it wasn't for the fact that I was carrying half of Connors body mass in them.

"I wasn't talking about your skin tone dude I meant your hangover," he face relaxed before it went bright red again in embarrassment from realizing he misunderstood me.


He didn't get the chance to say anything else because we had reached the nurses office and she was rushing out the doors to help us with Connor.

"I've already been informed from the principal on what happened, his parents are on their way." She looked at me with pity before turning her body fully around and leading us to a room for Connor to lay down in, "I called an ambulance they should be here soon."

"I gotta get to class I can trust you to stay with him, right?" James asked already slowly creeping out the room in an attempt to make it to third class at a reasonable time.

"I only need one of you take the note that is sitting on my desk next to you. I keep excuse notes handy for students it's already signed and everything so go head to class your friend here is in good hands." The nurse spoke before I could and I didn't even get a word in before the pale motherfucker was out of the room leaving a Dracula sized whole in the wall.

I squeezed Connor's hand hoping it would give me reassurance about all of this. It didn't, but at least I got to hold his hand that was nice.

"The paramedics should be here soon and so should his parents and I'm sure you want to stay, but I think you should get to class, honey," before I could respond once again someone interrupted me, this time it was the other Walsh twin.

"Holy fuck! After you left the cafeteria Isabella's, you know Isabella right, her ex friend is apparently going out with that jockstrap for a brain that you beat the shit out of. She made a whole scene it was so funny she was crying and it was ugly. You should have seen Izzy she was DYING. I think she even yelled encore when the dumb blonde finally shut her mouth." Damn this girl talks a lot also who the fuck is she talking about.

"Margo I understood like a third of what you just said and honestly I do not care," she rolled her eyes at me even reaching over to smack my arm, which I pouted at.

"I see dating my brother hasn't made you less of a jackass." I stuck my tongue out at her like the respectable adult I am.

"I'd like to say dating your brother has made me more of a jackass then I was before," that made the nurse, who had been giggling at us since the second Margo walked in talking about the latest drama, let out a proper chuckle.

Before I could say anything a couple of paramedics and distraught parents walked into the already cramped room.

"Oh mon Dieu my baby what have they done to you?" I would have laughed at the ridiculous woman if she wasn't sticking her bony finger in my face seconds after seeing me, accusing me of doing this to Connor. Thankfully Margo stepped in between us.

They made an exchange of words in what I believe was french, but I wouldn't know since I took "Intro to German for a Second Language." Not very useful in this scenario.

Well this is definitely one way to meet my boyfriends family.


it's been a while hasn't it :( i've had such bad writers block and school had me bent over backwards and i've just been so creatively drained i just could write for so long. this chapter alone took me like two months to finish, but i am back and i'm feeling a little better considering i'm halfway through the school year. i'm going to attempt to work on this book a little more considering how long i've been writing it already lol

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