Chapter 4

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"Good morning Wentworth Black Bears. My name is Abigail Lodge and these are your morning announcements," the PA system echoed through the hallways of teenagers rushing towards their first periods.

I quickly grabbed my books and bag as I headed towards my first period meeting up with Sam on my way there.

"Dude did you finish Mrs. Bors English assignment?" Sam asked me as we headed for math class.

I groaned out in frustration as he spoke, "please tell me you didn't do it either?"

"I think we both know the answer to that," I smirked at Sams words knowing that he didn't do it as well. "I still don't know why I have to take the AP English course I'm majoring in marine biology and it shouldn't be a necessary  course to get accepted."

I just shrugged at his outburst as I pulled my phone out from my back pocket to look at the email for the assignment praying I could finish it during lunch before 3rd period.

As I was pulling it out I bumped into somebody getting to class and my phone went flying across the tile floors. "What the fuck."

"Oops," the snarky voice of none other then Anders Gold. "Watch where you're going, mate."

"Are you kidding me. My phone better not be broken because your paying for it, Gold."

"No need to get your panties in a twist, C. You might want to get it before principal Landoff sees it," he nodded his head into the direction of the principal, who no doubt was heading straight to where my phone was, before running off into the opposite direction of god knows where.

Not caring about where he was going I turned in the direction of my phone and quickly snatched it up and put it away before I got in trouble.

"Conor Walsh head to class before I send you to my office," with no other warning needed I jogged all the way to my class making it just in time for first period.

By the time lunch rolled around I was completely drained of every ounce of energy I had and was completely contemplating not doing my English assignment.

None the less I sent a text to Margo telling her I won't be at lunch today and headed off to the library to work on a stupid project.

I pulled out my phone this time without stupid Anders to knock it out of my hand, nearly break it and almost get me in trouble with the principal.

I read through the email coming to the conclusion that I was going to fail.

I still pulled out my computer and opened a doc up to type out the work. Write about a time in your life where you felt alone. In theory it seemed easy, but for some reason I couldn't think of a single time I've ever felt alone.

I started typing out the question anyways hoping that it would give me a sudden idea. Once my finger started to type an idea came to mind, the day my parents told us my grandmother died.

Me and Margo weren't old, but we were old enough to understand the concept of death. My grandmother on my mothers side had been diagnosed with stage 3 leukemia when I was 9 and everyday after school I made my mother bring me to the hospital to see her. Sometimes Margo would come, but usually it was just me, she had never admitted it, but I knew that we were always closer than her and Margo. She was my best friend and the day she passed away was like the world had come crumbling down at my feet and nothing mattered anymore.

I continued writing till my fingers were numb and wrote some more after that and by the time the lunch bell rang, to let us know we had five minutes to get to class, I had a full assignment finished and was heading to that class.

I majoring in creative writing when I get into university. It's one of my biggest passions and no, I'll probably never tell anyone outside of my immediate circle that so don't ask about it.

As I headed to third period I bumped into a wall and was knocked on my ass, but when I looked up I realized that what knocked me down was not a wall, but a condescending twat named Anders.

"Walsh we really got to stop meeting like this."

"Well if you want to stop meeting like this don't stop standing in the middle of a hallway and also stop working out so much cause you're like a fucking wall," I knew the second I let those words leave my mouth I would regret them.

"I know your brain is a bit to tiny to comprehend the words you just said, but that was a compliment so thank you, Walsh. Might want to get off the floor as well it's a bit dirty," with that he turned around and walked to his last period which he and I shared. Great, this class was going to last forever. He was about to turn the corner before I jumped up with a quick 'fuck you' which got me a scold from a teacher which I ignored and headed to class.

Last period of the day how bad can it be.

If only I knew how bad it really was going to be.


Hey guys!!!
Don't tell anyone, but I secretly have no idea what I'm doing

Question: what do you think happens next chapter that could be so bad that I left it as a semi cliff hanger??

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