Chapter 29

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Time after that went by without me even really realizing it. Weeks went by in flash and before I knew it winter break had come and gone without my permission to do so. I managed to find time between the drowning piles of homework I was receiving with mid terms slowly approaching and keeping enough shifts at work to be able to afford my boyfriends expensive taste. You would think having a boyfriend who's house is bigger than Delaware would make me the one being spoiled, but alas the entitled brat expects to be pampered like the show-dog he is.

Speaking of his majesty, I am currently being driven around downtown in some neighbouring city, that is far enough from home for me to receive an ass whopping the second I walk through my front door, by him. I lean my head against the fogged up window, residue from the dropping temperature of the night setting in causing it, as I hum along to the playlist Anders has put on. 

"How was it with Sam by the way? We never really talked about what happened between you two. The most I know was you're on decent enough terms to go hang out at his house." Alas, my silence has been disturbed by the nosy Nancy sitting in the driver seat. I reach out to turn the knob of the radio station down so that I don't have to compete with 90's R&B to be heard. 

"We are good. We had a very long overdue talk about everything that's been happening lately with his brothers death anniversary and us being official now and everything. It had put some temporary tension and strained our relationship. Don't worry about it though," I looked over at him to catch the concerned look on his face as he stared ahead at the road. "Besides it's Friday night and you promised me a date so don't make the mood all somber like you always do, you emo."

"I'm sorry did you just call me an emo? I will have you know that my top artist on Spotify wrapped was Taylor Swift." I laughed at his offended tone as he flipped his non-existent hair to prove a point to me. He kept his eyes narrow as if to prove he was serious before breaking character and laughing loudly. 

I could listen to the sound all day if the Gods permitted it. I don't think any song on any playlist would ever beat the music that is Anders' laugh. I sat back in my seat head thrown backward and closed my eyes as I took everything in my life in. I was happy. So God damn happy. It did not matter what happens in the future because in this exact moment I felt so much overwhelming joy I could not bother to care about anything else.

The engine of the car cutting out brought me back to my senses as I opened my eyes to a... community centre? I looked around at the parking lot only to realize that it was practically empty and the lights in the building where almost all off. the only light looked like it was coming from maintenance cleaning up for the night.

I turned my head with a raised eyebrow to ask the boy sitting next to me what the fuck we were doing here. His face wore a mischievous look like he could feel the confusion radiating off of me and could not wait to show me what he had in store. He reached into the back to grab a bag that was too big to be a backpack but just short of being able to be considered a duffel.

Before I could ask him what was in it he quickly existed the car with it in hand and waved for me to follow. Without missing a beat I threw my door opened and headed in his direction. The sound of the car locking barely registered in my brain as we headed up to the doors. 

When I finally reached where he had stopped I noticed he was typing on his phone. I peered over his shoulder in an attempt to check who he was texting but by the time I got a good view he was shutting it off and looking up as the door infront of him opened. I didn't recognize the guy that opened it but he seemed friendly with Anders and looked about our age so I assume he had run in his group. Were they even a group anymore after one of his old friends tried to kill me?

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