Chapter 23

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To say school was weird would be an understatement. I didn't even make it to my first period without at least 20 girls leaving their unneeded opinion about MY relationship.

Some of them were harmless about how Anders and I made a cute couple and other comments along the lines of that, but others had seem to have the same opinion as Bailey.

I was shocked that people still had such a negative opinion on gay people to this day. Wake the fuck up bitches it's 2019 not everyone likes the same thing. Especially considering that I've known these people for YEARS. The people who would try so hard to be my friend couldn't even make eye contact with me, but had no problems with taking shit behind my back. Pathetic.

I met Margo at my locker to exchange words and my backpack as she asked me questions about last night. I told her the pg side of everything not really wanting to indulge into my sex life with my younger sister.

When I got to first period I sat in my usual seat and acted like nothing was different even though I could feel the eyes of the students behind me burning holes in the back of my head.

I gripped the side of my desk so tight that my knuckles turned white and my fingers began to go numb and just as I was about to turn around and go off on the staring eyes my phone vibrated in my pocket. It was a text from

Gold💞: Eat lunch together? <3

I smiled at the text and my heart skipped a beat at his cute little heart that he put at the end of his message. He was a little sap and I was definitely falling for it.

Walsh💓: Meet me at the end of my second period :)

I slid my phone back in my pocket before I could get caught by my teacher. When I looked up to the board for the first time since the bell rang, I had to stop my self from groaning out loud. The board was covered in notes I had to quickly take down before the teacher erased them to put down the new set of notes.

When first period was finally over I quickly packed up my stuff and headed off to my second class of the day. The class had gone by quickly seeing as I spent it thinking about Anders, which I seem to have been doing way to much recently.

By the time the bell to lunch and rung I jumped out my seat and headed off to the door to wait for Anders to meet me. In less then a minute I saw him walking down the hall with a soft smile on his face. When he finally noticed me he picked up his pace to reach me faster so that in no time he was standing right in front of me.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in closely to me and giving him a quick peck on the cheek before grabbing his hand and walking us towards the cafeteria.

"I was thinking you could sit with us at my table," I turned my face slightly to catch the little smile he did as I spoke. "I'll take that look as a yes."

I fished my phone out of my pocket looking at a few text from my friends asking about lunch ignoring them i would be able to answer all their questions in person sooner or later. I looked up from my phone in time to push open the doors of the cafeteria. As entered through the doors I felt all the eyes slowly begin to look at us. We were on the spotlight and just as I was about to run and hide Anders squeezed my hand and I felt like I could do anything.

We walked to my table hand in hand taking a seat Anders scooted his chair over so we were so close our legs were squished against each other.

"So does this mean I'm no longer the new girl in this circle?" Isabella was the first to speak up making a few of us laugh Anders just shifted uncomfortably and I gave him a little smile to let him know he's fine.

"Well this morning was quite the entrance with the two of you," Duke joked and I knew their was an underlying amount of seriousness in his voice.

Before I could respond to his comment Isabella jumped in first with another witty remark, "oh honey, it's called a dramatic entrance search it up."

The group laughed at that even Anders let out a chuckle slowly but surely warming up to my friends. We talked about little everyday things like normal Anders never really saying anything unless it was in my ear, but he never once let go of my hand which meant the smile never left my face.

"Hey faggots," ok rude. I turned my head around to see what angsty teen thought I was funny to say something like that. To my surprise (kinda, not really) was one of Anders' football friends. He looked like you're typical steroid addicted football kid. He most definitely could beat me up if we got into a physical fight, but right now we were using words and with the way this guy looks I could dance circles around him without giving him a chance to throw in his two very useless cents.

"You called?" I stood up, we were about the same height so that was a bonus nothing less intimidating then a guys having to look up at his opponent.

"Why don't you just kill yourself already?" He looked back at his neanderthal friends as if he needed approval for his comment, they laughed like they've never heard anything funnier. 

"If I killed myself then I'd miss out on these fun chats with you," I spoke faking a sense of sadness through my bored features.

"Whatever you fucking fag," well that was the shortest banter I've ever been apart of. The dude was dumber then I thought.

"I know you're little pea-sized brain has trouble turning your thoughts into real words that come out of your mouth, but maybe try to expand your vocabulary for the next time you want to get into an argument with someone." I took my seat back down in triumph taking the easy win with pride.

"I'm gonna rip that dumb face of you're off you body," he was yelling now and I'm pretty sure one of his veins were beginning to pop right out of his neck.

"Wow it only took you three minutes to bring up something super violent. I hope you last longer in bed then you do in arguments," and that was the last thing I said before the room went dark.

Pity I still has more comebacks up my sleeve.


It's me im back from the dead! I know its been a long time but I've officially completed one month of sophomore year not to flex or anything. I also got 100% on my first art assignment so please shower me in compliments. Thank you. Love you.

How do you think Anders is gonna react in the next chapter give me your best ideas!

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