Chapter 11

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It was around 8:00 pm when the rain started coming down really hard. We didn't notice though. We were too busy being obnoxiously loud and winning, or at least I was winning and Anders was yelling at me for cheating. Which I totally denied, but it may have been a bit true.

Around 8:30 his mother has found her way to Anders' room with a worried look on her face. "Anders the roads are closed there's no way for your friend to get home safely."

I practically jumped out of my seat in a panic at her words, "what?"

"You're more than welcome to stay the night here, but I will not let you leave this house when there is a chance that you won't be able to get home due to the weather. So call your mom or whoever you need to call and let them know where you are. If you need anything boys I'll be downstairs." With one last smile and a glance at her son she closed the door behind her as she walked down the hall to wherever.

"This is what I get for being nice to you isn't it?" Was the first thing to come out of Anders' mouth when I turned to look at him. In return I hit him over the head with one of the many throw pillows on the grey couch.

"You should be blessed to stay the night with me." I joked as I stood up stretching my legs feeling Anders' eyes on me as I did so.

"Trust me I have and it's quite an experience," he smirked nonchalant as if the words he just said to me didn't turn me into a whole tomato. Instead of responding I decided to just direct my attention to something other the the brown haired boy grinning up at me.

"What's with all the collectables. You a closeted hoarder or something?" His smirked turned into a small real smile at my words as he stood up and walked to the wall with the knickknacks taped to it.

"They're my favorite memories. Things I don't want to forget." He spoke softly. This was the first time I heard his voice go below max volume. The boy was constantly yelling no matter what he was talking about.

"Tell me about some of the memories." I told him gently nudging him with my shoulder a I did so.

"Well these were the tickets to my first concert," I squinted my eyes to read the small printing as a small giggle, yes a giggle, left my lips.

"Your first concert was the Jonas brothers?"

"Don't judge I was like nine and had a huge crush on Nick," his eyes went wide at his words before he quickly brought his hands to cover his mouth, but it was to late because I heard what he said.

"You had a crush on a boy? When your were nine?" My mouth just like his spoke spoke too fast for my brain and I ended up blurting out the stupid question before I could think about what I was doing. "I'm sorry you don't have to answer that it was dumb of me to say."

"It's ok, dude. I don't hide my sexuality. Not anymore at least, but to answer any burning question you might have for me: I'm pansexual, no I'm not attracted to kitchenware and that joke isn't funny, but is extremely repetitive," he was annoyed in fact he smiled once again at his own words.

"Not to sound ignorant, but what does pansexual mean?" I asked hoping he wouldn't be offended.

"Not ignorant at all, actually a question I wished more people would ask to be honest. In my opinion the way I use the word is that I can fall in love with anyone no matter what they look like or what parts they have or what they identify as. You get it?"

"Ya I think I do." I said honestly at his actually really helpful description. "You learn something new everyday."

"Also I think it's only fair that I'm pansexual so no one is deprived of this sexy beast" he said as he pointed at his body with a shit eating grin plastered on his face.

"We almost had a conversation were I didn't feel the intense urge to call you a walnut, walnut," he laughed at my joke before turning around and heading back to the couch.

"I thought you would have guessed I'm into guys. You know considering we-" I didn't let him finish before I cut him off.

"Will you shut up what if your mom hears you!" I practically yelled at him nervous his mother would walk in at any second.

"My mother is probably on her third class of wine. She has book club tomorrow and in her words. If I get a strong enough hangover I'll be able to cancel with the horrendous women that call themselves house wives. She likes to call them 'no real career skills that found a rich man to do their bidding'." I laughed quite obnoxiously at that. His mother reminded me much of mine. Back when we lived in France she would dress in oversized coats and cat eye glasses when she left the house so the neighbors wouldn't recognize her and try to strike up causal conversation. My father would call her 'reine des déguisements'.

"Your mother seems lovely," I smiled as we continued to play the game after calling my mom and letting her know what's going on. She was fine with it as long as I sent her a picture so she knew I wasn't lying.

After about twenty minutes I got bored of the game and threw the controller next to me. With a sigh I looked over to Anders who was so into the game he didn't even realize I stopped playing. I was beginning to get tired, but I was gonna need to change out of these clothes.

So without any warning I stood up from my spot earning a questioning look from the blue eyed boy. Ignoring it I started pulling off my shirt while Anders brought his gaze down from my eyes.

"Like what you see," I teased him, but he wasn't one to back down from a flirt off and he smirked back at me.

"Very much," he winked before turning back to his video game still looking at me from the corner of his eye. Ok two can play at that game.

I kept taking off pieces of my garments which was really only socks and my dark washed jeans. After I had taken everything off I was left in only my boxers.

"Hey," I caught his attention after he fully turned off his game tossing his controller away and looked at me. He had a shocked expression on his face that lasted a solid second before he masked it with a careless look. "Do you have anything I can wear? I didn't bring anything because I wasn't planning on staying the night."

"Uhh," he stuttered finally looking away from me and walking in the direction of his closet as I followed him. "It's laundry day so all my stuff is in the wash, but I might have a t-shirt you can wear. I'm bigger than you so it should fit loose."

I just nodded my head as he went through his dressers for an old tee. After what felt like forever he pulled out an old Led Zeppelin band tee and handed it to me.

"Are you sure it's ok if I wear this?" I didn't want to make him uncomfortable by wearing his clothes.

"I much rather you in some clothes rather than just your boxers. Don't think I'll be able to control myself if you didn't," his words made a deep shade of red creep up my neck as I started to pull the shirt over my head in an attempt to hide it. "You can sleep on the bed and I'll take the couch."

"What? No, it's your house and I'm the guest I'll sleep on couch," I protested not wanting to intrude more than I already have.

"Exactly you're the guest which is why I'm going to sleep on the couch and you're going to take the bed."

"I'm not going to have you break your back because I selfishly took your bed. I rather share the bed with you than cause you back pain." I told him sincerely as I hang to walk over to the bed.

"Wow Connor Walsh cares about my wellbeing someone call and ambulance cause I think you've officially lost it," I threw a pillow at him for his joke as a small smile tugged on my lips. He began to make his way over to the bed nonetheless and we slept on either side.

"Goodnight Gold."

"Goodnight Walsh."


Look at that a new chapter and it's very cute if I do say so myself. So Anders is pansexual just like his mama (me). Also I fucking love the Gold family like they remind me so much of my own family idk why guess that the inspiration they came from. Didn't even mean to do it like that.

Who do you think bottoms or who do you think tops?? Or maybe they switch?? Let me know really what to see what assumptions you've made about the characters from the few chapters so far

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