Chapter 5

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"Good morning class today we'll be doing something a bit different," the teacher had started speaking as she wrote the tittle down on the white board behind as I made my way to my desk next to Sam. "You'll be working in pairs to write a short story about each other using your partner as your main character."

I looked to Sam smirking letting him know we're gonna be partners as per usual. "With this project I want you to be pushed through your writing limits so I'm going to be paring you up with new people that you haven't talked to," a loud sigh could be heard from everyone in the class letting the teacher know they disagreed. I looked up to the ceiling praying to whoever is out there that I wouldn't be paired up with him. "The pairs are; Katy and Marl, Donna and Lily, Sherrie and Sam......"

I let her continue the names zoning out everyone till I heard my name, "Connor and Anders," my head shot up to the front of the room where the teacher was standing clipboard in hand and a smile on her face

"No!" The scream came from the other side of the room and I swear it could have been me who said it considering how mad I was right now, "please don't make me work with him!"

"For once I actually agree with the twat," by now I was out of my seat and holding myself back from attacking my once favorite teacher.

"Connor language. Sorry boys there's a reason I put you two together," her smile was still on her face and it took everything in me not to personally slap it off of her face.

"Could you tell us this reason," Anders spoke. I was to upset with the situation to even bother figuring out why our teacher hated us this much.

"I see the way you two boys are towards each other. You're hostile and the glaring and your honestly so alike it blows my mind you two haven't figured it out yet," stupid points but whatever, "your also some of the best writers I've taught and working together can get you both some high 90's so I suggest you two put your egos into your junk drawers and figure out what your going to write about."

I had no more to say considering she was right. No matter how much I didn't want to admit it Anders was a good writer and working with him could help with both our grades. So instead of fighting I let out an exaggerated sigh and opened my notebook.

I felt a presence next to me sit down and turning my body to the devil in disguise I pulled out a pen form my bag and ripped a piece of paper from my notebook writing down my address and my number to give to him.

"Wow Connor buy me a drink first won't you," Anders annoying by voice rang through my ears making me want to stab myself with my own pen.

"Stop dreaming, gold."

"I don't have to dream about it. I've witnessed it first hand," I flicked his head and smacked his hand causing a loud 'OW' to escape his lips making me smile at the pain he's going through.

"Meet me at my house at 6:00pm. If your a second late I release my dogs on your ass," with that the bell rang and I headed out of my last period for the day to meet with my friends and head home for a nap.


Sup guys!!!
Sorry for the short chapter, but I promise next chapter will be very good, hopefully.

What do you think Connor and Anders are going to write about each other for their stories
(Im definitely not asking because I have no clue about what I'm going to write for their stories)

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