Chapter 9

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I was supposed to post this yesterday night but I forgot. We're disappointed but not surprised.

By the time I got home that day Margo was seated on the couch shooting daggers at me and if it weren't for the fact that she wasn't allowed to keep her fencing stuff at home she probably would have been suited up and ready to attack.

"Ok let me explain," I tried to reason with her, but by the look she was giving to me no matter what I say she wasn't going to care, "it's your fault."

"It's my fault?" Oh no what did I do. "It's my fault you skipped school to go hang out with some chick, don't even try to say you didn't because Sam choked and told me, all because I threatened your masculinity this morning when I said you might be gay. Es tu très cette stupide?"

"Margo just calm down so I can explain," ok maybe not the best choice of words, but she didn't immediately rip off my head so that's a good sign.

"What happened to us?" I gave her a confused look letting her know that I wasn't understanding what she meant. "We were best friends we did everything together and when we didn't you told me everything that happened. Why did you stop?"

I gave her a sad smile, "we will always be best friends, M. I just need some space, okay?"

"If you need space I will give you mars on a silver platter, but please don't drift away. I need you with me. I can't lose my brother. I've already lost..." she hesitated to finish her sentence and I gave her a sad look as I wrapped my arms around her. "I miss her C. I miss her everyday and it hurts me so much. I can't lose you. Please don't leave me like she did."

Margo had started bawling. Last year Margo lost her girlfriend, Gracie. She was in a car accident on her way to Margo and I's birthday party. A drunk driver swerved into the opposite lane, smashing into Gracie's car and killing her on contact. Margo didn't even have a chance to say goodbye to the girl she loved.

"I'm sorry Margo, but I'm not leaving you anytime soon, Alright," I held her tighter as I felt my shoulder begin to feel wet from her tears. "Why don't we get some flowers from moms garden and then go visit her, how does that sound?" She nodded her head as she went back to the couch wiping her tears with her hands trying to fix her makeup as I went out to the back to grab Gracie's favorite flowers, white roses.

Margo makes mom grow them so that she will always have some when she visits her grave. I headed back inside making sure I grabbed my keys before heading to the garage Margo close behind me. When we got into the car I turned to Margo and moved a piece of her brown hair behind her ears giving her a soft smile, before turning on the car and heading onto the road.

We drove in silence and when we finally got there I handed Margo the flowers and let her go see Gracie alone knowing that's what she needed right now. After a couple minutes I stepped out of the car and started to wonder around the tombs. I thought about all the people who had passed the stories that they may have had and overall just making myself more sad than I needed to be.

I looked to my right and I noticed a figure a little away. Being the curious person I am I started to walk to the person looking away from me trying to see who they are and what they are looking at. Once I was about ten feet away I noticed who it was. I immediately panicked when I noticed anders standing in front of a grave and I started slowing backing away backwards I didn't make it three feet away before a voice stopped me dead in my tracks.

"Hi Walsh," I turned around giving him a cheap smile as I took a few steps closer.

"Hey Gold," I spoke slowly like a child who had just been caught with their hand inside the cookie jar. "What brings you here?"

He looked at me like I was the dumbest person alive. Which I understand considering my question.

"Milking a cow, can't you tell?" He gave me a small smile which I returned back as I involuntarily took a small step closer towards him. "Who you visiting?"

I didn't want to put Margo like that so I took to answering in a very vague way. "Visiting an old friend, you?" His smile fell from his face as a sad look came back to him.

"My dad," he turned to his grave bidding in the direction of him as I kept walking closer to him. Mirroring his stance of his hands in his pockets.

"I'm sorry I didn't know," he gave me a harsh look like I said something wrong. Instead of saying anything he just pushed past me, stomping away from where we stood.

We really need to stop running out on each other.


What's up my dudes!!!
Sorry is been so long I've been in a deep sleep for about two weeks. Every time they talk someone's always running away and the author of this story should really stop that. Also the amount of jokes and sarcasm I put into this really embodies me as a person.

Why do you think Anders got all mad at Connor for no reason at all. Any reason why?

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