Chapter 7

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The rest of the night consisted of me writing a sentence in a doc and deleting it just as fast regretting even thinking that thought. A subject that usually came easy to me was becoming impossible and I couldn't help myself from thinking about Anders.

Why did he storm off like that? It's no surprise that we aren't friends. We've always been at each other's throats since freshmen year.

I decided to just give up on doing anything for the rest of the night as I looked over at my alarm clock reading the numbers 11:30 pm.

I groaned as I got under the covers. Three hours of absolutely nothing productive and a pile of bullshit to deal with also known as Anders. Senior year is going to be one hell of a year.

(The morning after)

The noise that caused most of my nightmares and stopped my dreams sounded through my bedroom and bounced off my deep blue walls. I let a groan escape my lips as I fell off my bed and found comfort in my floor. That lasted a whole three minutes before Margo came storming into my room.

"You're my ride today. If you don't get up in five seconds I'm getting the bucket," ah the bucket. Since me and Margo were kids we would threaten to throw the bucket contents over each other if we needed something from the other. Usually people threaten to throw ice water on you, but no the Walsh kids throw organics bin on each other to get what they want. Oh how I love my family.

I didn't respond to her I just pushed myself off the floor and headed to my bathroom to start my usual morning routine.

By the time 8:00 struck me and my Margo were sitting in my car hoping out to throwbacks as we headed to school.

"I never asked you what happened at the party," Margo turned down the radio and I let out a breath of annoyance.

"Nothing I got wasted and went to bed early," I lied straight trough my teeth and by the look on Margos face I know she didn't believe one word that I was saying, but I hope she wouldn't say anything about it.

"If you don't tell me what actually happen I will jump out this car right now," I have her a look of do it see if I care. She gave one back that said you can explain to mom why her daughter is in a wheelchair.

I sighed knowing I lost this battle and gave in, "I hooked up with someone." My voice was small and I didn't even think she could hear me, but the look on her face said otherwise.

"Ok. That's not a problem. Who did you hook up?"

"Gold," my voice was barely over a whisper I couldn't hear my own words. I didn't think Margo heard either, but I know she did she always did. I didn't know if I should be happy or upset that I she heard me and I don't have to repeat myself.

"So do you like him?" I shook my head no at the preposterous idea.

"Did you enjoy it?" I shrugged not knowing how to really answer this question I don't remember a lot of what happened. It wasn't my first time with a guy, Margo knew that, but it was my first time with only a guy. No girl in the middle to separate us, for the most part.

"Can I tel you something, C?" I nodded my head yes letting her continue, "you like guys."

"I don't!"

"C, I'm you twin sister I know everything about you from your favorite pizza topping to the way you gaze lingers on a boy you see on the subway than to any girl you've ever dated, hookup with or even talked to. I think you know your gay and you avoid it, but at the party when you got so drunk you unconsciously did what you've been wanting to do for a while now."

I didn't respond I just pulled into the school parking lot and turned the car off before practically jumping out my car and running to my locker leaving Margo alone.

I didn't want to to think about what she said. I'm straight I like girls. So what if I think guys can be attractive and if I notice them a little more than I should. I like girls and I'm not gay. There nothing wrong with being gay I'm just not it.

By the time I reached my locker Sam was already standing against it waiting for me like he does every day.

"I'm not coming to first and second today so go without me," I stated before he could even say hello to me.

"Why were are you going?"

"I'm gonna fuck Sarah Mccay," with that I walked away leaving Sam alone at my locker with his jaw hung wide open.

Sarah Mccay was an exchange student from England. She was tall and pale and every guy in twelve mile radius was trying to get into her pants.

I saw he at her locker with a few of her friends and walked straight to her, "hey."

"Hi," she placed one hand on my chest and used the other pen to shove her friends away. With scoff of a few of them they were gonna and t was just us two.

"I was thinking you and I skip today and go have some fun, you up for it?" She but her bottom lip contemplation by it before looking up at my eyes and smirking.



Hello guys!!!
Im so sorry for that. I hate writing the straights as much as y'all prolly hate reading about them🤮🤮🤮

Why do you think Connor is trying so hard to prove that he's straight. Also who was surprised that Connor has fucked a guy before. Be honest.

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