Chapter 8

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Sarah and I are sitting on an empty skate ramp in an abandoned skate park. We're getting high and making out. You know the American way.

She was really into it and I wanted to be too I was trying so hard to be into it. I was thinking of her boobs her ass her face, but none of it was working and everytime I closed my eyes flashes from the party came back.

Without thinking I pushed her off of me and I quickly got up distancing myself from her.

"What the hell is wrong with you," she was pissed. Like really pissed. Like run over your dog light your mom on fire pissed and I had no idea what the fuck I was doing.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking," I didn't bother trying to get close to her again as I just sank down to my a ball on the grassy area. She looked at me with pity.

"I'm sorry too. I hope whoever has your heart will return it soon," and with that she was gone leaving me in a state of confusion and self wallowing pity.

What the hell did she mean by that?

By the time I finally decided to get up from the grass it was half past noon and my stomach was rumbling. I was in no mood to go back to school and eat cafeteria food and my house was to far to walk so I decided to head to Benny's.

Benny's was a local diner in my town where I used to go with my family a lot when we first moved here. Margo and me would still go every now and then and right now I was craving Benny's burgers.

Stepping into the little place that was pretty much empty with only a small child and what looks to be his mother is sitting at a booth on the far left and an old couple sitting in the middle. I opted for a booth seat closer to the boy and his mom, but no to close.

A waitress just a bit older than me with shoulder length brunette hair and a turquoise uniform on came up to me with a notepad in her hand with a small smile. "What can't I get you, love?"

I smiled back at her already knowing what I wanted, "can I get a Benny's original burger with a side of fries and a coke," I looked down at her uniform tag where her name was neatly printed, "Emily?

"It'll be right out," and with that she headed back into the kitchen from where she originally came out from.

I quickly pulled out my phone, reading the messages my friends had left me through the day.

I quickly went through the missed messages not really bothering to read them till I scrolled to three missed texts and a missed call from my sister.

Margo: Where are you? Duke said you weren't in first period.
Text me when you get this.... the school called mom now moms calling me.
Listen asshat if you don't answer me right now I will burn all of your cds!

I quickly sent her a text back about how I wasn't feeling well so I skipped. Hopefully she won't be too mad at me.

I decided to just play dumb games in my phone waiting for my food to come. While I was playing the sound of the door chime went off letting everyone know someone was here. I didn't pay much attention to it till I felt a presence in front of me.

"Anyone sitting here?" I looked up to meet the eyes of the one and only, Anders Gold.

"All these seats and you choose the one right next to me," he clearly didn't pick up on my tone of voice as he slid into my booth.

"How could I not sit with my favorite person in the whole world?" His question was sarcastic and it caused me to smirk as I turned off my phone and placed it back into my pocket at the same time the waitress came out of the kitchen with my order in her hands.

"Here you are sweetheart and can I get anything for your friend," before Anders could answer I quickly told her no and thanked her for my food with a soft smile.

Once she walked away I turned back to face Anders who looked like he had gotten closer to me. Before I could figure out what was happening, Gold placed his hand down and snatched up one of my fries.

"That's for saying I don't want any food, Walsh," he showed off his shit eating grin as he continued to eat my fry. "So why did Mr. Perfect decide to skip school today?"

"I just wasn't feeling up to it. I would ask you why you decided not to go to school today either, but you could blink the wrong way and take a week off of school," for a second his grin turned into a real smile, but it was gone before it started and it was almost like it wasn't there at all.

"Stop starting at my lips Walsh unless you want a repeat of the party," I slapped his knee at his words and huffed as I picked up my burger and took a bite.

"I don't even know how I slept with you," I scoffed as I popped a fry into my mouth as Anders grabbed another one from my plate as I gave him a glare.

"Your cute when you frown," well I wasn't expecting that and apparently neither was my throat because all of a sudden I was chocking on the fries I had just swallowed. By the time the fry had found its way down the right hole Anders was giving me a weird look and I gave him a lousy smile. "Are you ok?"

"Yup super peachy," I awkwardly stood up and pulled out my wallet putting thirty dollars on the table and practically running out of the restaurant and I kept running till I collapsed, thankfully on a patch of grass under a tree not on the cement.

What the fuck just happened?


Sup guys!!!!
What that fuck did just happen? I wrote it an I'm genuinely confused.

Why do you think Connor got so flustered after anders called him cute?

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