Chapter 20

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Anders' POV

Who the fuck is screaming while I'm trying to kiss my boyfriend? Like could you have some common decency I'm just trying to be gay at a lake party?

We broke apart from the kiss and followed the crowd's new focus of where the scream and the breaking glass was coming from. When I finally got a look at the mystery person, there stood Bailey willows with the most twisted face I've ever seen.

She stomped her way over here as if she was a toddler about to have a tantrum. I could only laugh at how silly she looked. When she finally reached Conners and me, she wedged herself in between us like a wall and put her arms on me. I had to fight the urge to not vomit all over her tacky shoes.

"Anders baby what are you doing!" She all but shrieked in my ear, making me wince at how high pitched her voice was. I grabbed her hands and moved them away from me and to her side.

"I'm not your baby," I told her straight up, I looked past her bored of this conversation already I saw Connors sneaking a chuckle behind bailey making me smile widely.

"Don't be silly. Look at that smile that you're giving me. I know you love me and that what happened with the loser didn't mean anything," I forced myself to look at her. I never understood why anyone was into her. She was just another cliche high school airhead that would peak in high school.

"You mean my boyfriend?" I raised my
eyebrow up to her as if to ask can you be any dumber.

"Stop pretending as if you care about him it's embarrassing so come on, let's go dance," she tugged on my arm in the most ineffective way possible. I just shook my head and laughed at her.

"The only embarrassing thing going on here is you trying to pretend like we are a thing when we aren't," she scoffed at me like I just offended her and moved away from us, but she didn't leave before turning herself towards Connor for the first time in that whole conversation.

"You turned him gay, faggot," and with that ever so graceful conversation ender she walked away in the same way baby's whose heads are too big for their bodies walk away.

"What the fuck even is our lives?" Connor asked as soon as everybody lost interest in us and moved on to their own conversations. I just shocked my head and smiled as I put my arm around his shoulder and walked us out of the house into the, much less sweaty, outdoors.

We took a seat on the grass near the fire pit and just talked for a bit.

"We've been together for four days, and I have already made myself a target to a teenage girl with some obsession to you," Connor joked his nose crinkling up as he laughed which made me smile wide as I stared at him. I was about to respond to him when a couple of his friends came over and crashed our two-person party.

"What the fuck, man?" That was John, the dudes got a lot of bite for someone so skinny, I respect it.

"What's up, John?" I reached my hand out which he gladly accepted, and we did that bro shake, you know the one.

"Nothing much with me, but I heard you just lived through a soap opera inside," I just smiled at that resting my head on Connor's shoulder.

"So you two like a thing?" A girl asked, I didn't know her name, but she was pretty I'd seen her around before.

"Yes, we are Stella," Connor thankfully answered for me also letting me know the girl's name. I made a mental note to remember it. "Do you guys want to get out of here?"

I round of yes' and thank gods sounded from around the group, and everyone stood to their feet and headed to the car. Connor and I trailed behind them.

"Do your friends like me?" I know that they have never really been fans of my friends and me, but now that we are together I want them actually to like me.

"My friends think you're a stuck up pig who only cares about money and chicks," well that one hurt...a lot, "but who gives a shit what they think because they aren't dating you, I am."

He smiled at me and intertwined our fingers as we headed to his car. Him, being the only one not drinking tonight, plopped himself down into the driver's seat of the car and started the engine. I got into the passenger seat, and the rest of them piled into the back of the car sitting on each other and the floor.

We drove in pretty much silence the whole way with only the defiant sounds of the cars radio playing throwback music. Occasionally I'd catch Connor tapping his fingers on the steering wheel trying to sink up to the beat, and I'd quickly smile at him and look away before he caught me staring.

Once we finally reached whatever the destination of this ride was Connor parked the car and got out to open the doors letting the army of drunken teens file out of the back. He whispered something in Margo's ear before they both smiled and he sat back in the car.

"So what's the plan?" I ask as he reversed out of the driveway of a house whose owner is still a mystery to me.

"I thought we could spend the night together, but my parents are home," he smirked at me, and I smiled back leaning over placing a peck on his lips before pulling back slightly, so our noses were still touching.

"It's a good thing my mom and sisters are spending the night at my aunts," I pulled away and put my seat belt back on.

We drove in silence for about five minutes before I thought of a devious plan. He's either going to hate me or love me for this. Either way, I win.

I reached my hand out to touch his giving him a sweet smile when he looked over to me before he put his eyes back on the road. Once he did so, I moved my hand slowly up his arm and then once I reached his shoulder, I trailed it down his chest and his stomach.

I looked over and could already see his member getting hard through his jeans. I slowly move my hand to the bulge in his pants. From the corner of my eye, I can see him giving me a 'what the fuck are you doing,' but I don't take my eyes off the road, purely to fuck with him.

I didn't move my hand the whole drive back to my house. I kept it there feeling his member getting harder every minute it laid on him. I didn't remove my hand around either kept it in the same place the whole time, just to make him twitch under me.

This is going to be a fun night.


What's uppppp
So a lot of you have been asking me to write smut, and I don't do that. Even writing this chapter made me uncomfortable because I hate writing about other people's sex lives. I'll try to make you guys as happy as I can, but I do have my limits when it comes to writing.

Raise your hand if you want to join my beat-up bailey squad.
Since we're 20 chapters in who is your favourite character currently and why?

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