Chapter 1 - The Beginning

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Connors POV

I was watching the crowd of people walk down the halls to their lockers to leave for the weekend as I spaced myself out from the conversation my friends were having next to me.

The sound of snapping fingers in my face caught my attention as I was brought back to reality.

"You still having the party tonight?" Duke, one of the few people at this school I could actually stand, asked me. Not feeling like talking I sighed as I nodded my head collecting my stuff from my own locker before roughly shutting it catching a couple stares from the few stragglers that have yet to leave the school for the day.

"Well my car is that way," John told us. He was one of the guys on the football team who is only part of our friend group because Duke and him play together and have math or some shit like that. I don't know I don't really pay attention, but Johns a pretty cool dude so I didn't mind him.

"Hey, John I'm gonna need a ride home, you mind?" Sam had asked. The raven haired boy nodded his head letting him know he didn't have a problem with it as he turned back to us one last time to let us know he'll see us at the party.

Our friend group consisted of 8 people. Duke, John and Sam who have been my friends since we began middle school. Then there is Stella, who is Duke's girlfriend. Damien and Christa who've been dating since freshmen year and my friends since eighth grade. Last, but not least my younger sister, Margo. She was only 4 minutes younger, but it's four minutes I'll never let her live down.

The eight of us all went our own ways. Duke and Margo caught a ride with me as we all headed to my house to set up for the party.

"Did you see Anders and his friends today?" Duke had broken the silence as he pushed his grown out curly brown hair from out of his face as I stopped the car at a red light practically praying for it to change because I had to pee incredibly bad.

"Don't bring him up. The dude makes me want to rip out my hair and cut off his dick at the same time," Anders. There were no words to explain him. He was a stuck up rich kid who got everything he wanted in life. The dude needed to be knocked down a few pegs. Or better yet he just needed to be knocked out in general.

"God, Connor sometimes I wonder if you actually hate Anders or if you are madly in love with the guy because you never shut up about him," Margo per usual butted in as she always had to letting everyone know her own two cents.

"Last time I checked I am straight and even if I wasn't I could never be attracted to such scum," she was going to open her mouth again to fight her point, but we were already in the drive and as soon as the car was in park I was running out of the car and practically flinging myself into my house.

"This conversation isn't over," her empty threat rang through the house. We know both of us would forget about this conversation once the party starts.

"Alright, we've got a lot to do to prepare since it's the first ever party of the year. Margo, you need to text John and tell him to get as much booze as he can," she gave me a quick nod before dialling his number and giving him the request, "Duke you're on food duty. Take my moms car and go get as much junk as you can. Margo and I will stay here and set up, the rest of the group should be here shortly to get ready and help with last-minute touches the party starts at 9:30 which means everyone will be here at 10 so let's get a move on."


Chapter one done I prolly should do an intro but I really don't want to ya know yolo

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