Chapter 3

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The light from my window was coming through making the pounding headache I had from last nights drinking even worse. I made a mental note to curse out drunk me for stupidly forgetting to close the blinds.

Deciding that the light was bearable and that a headache would be better with a few more hours of sleep I rolled over onto something that felt a lot more like a chest and a lot less like my bed. Slowly peeling myself away I caught a glimpse of the person next to me and I practically jumped three feet in the air landing on the ground with a thump that woke up the sleeping boy.

"What the fuck dude," when he realized he was naked he threw the covers back on him searching around for his boxers.

"I swear to God Anders. If you don't get out of my bed right now I'll call the cops."

"What will you tell them. Oh hello officer the dude I had sex with is not leaving fast enough please come arrest him."

"Ok so maybe I won't call the cops, but I will call your mom."

"I'm out. I'm out, please don't call my mom."

He was about to open the door before I stopped him. I put my finger to my lips signalling him to shut up as the voice of my sister echoed through the hallways

"Wake the fuck up C. If you think I'm cleaning this mess up alone then you have another thing coming for you," my sisters threatening voice let me know that Anders could not just walk out of the front door.

"Out the window," he looked at me as if I just told him to kill his dog and burn down a retirement home. "Close your mouth you'll
Catch flies."

"I am not jumping out of a window. Are you insane?" I know it was a rhetorical question, but I couldn't help but smirk at the question.

"If you don't jump down from the window right now you can explain to my sister why your just now leaving the party," with a grunt and a cold stare he was opening the window and was halfway out of the house as he turned back and smiled at me. Which was weird considering he always had that condescending smirk slapped permanently on his face. "What do you want?"

"I had fun last night," there those feeling were again. How the fuck am I supposed to answer that without punching him.

"Well, I hope you enjoyed it because it will be the last time."

"Well see about that," and with that, he was jumping down my window and running down the street to God knows where.

With a sigh, I closed my windows and headed back to bed getting in a good thirty-minute nap before Margo came into my room pulling me by the ear yelling at me to help her clean up.

"Dépêchez-vous stupide Maman et Papa vont être bientôt à la maison," Margo was screaming in French which meant that she was actually panicking. We only spoke with our native tongue when we were in trouble, scared or trying to keep a secret.

"Margo, ne t'inquiète pas," I tried to reassure her, but upon seeing her Tell-me-what-to-do-again-I-dare-you face I decided against it and just picked up the broom and started to pile up any of the extra streamers and discarded cups that I could.

By the time three o'clock rolled around the rest of the group had came by to kindly help clean the house, and by kindly help I mean Margo texted them that she would send out every single one of their nudes to the school if they didn't. Don't ask me how she got them because that's the last thing you want to know.

"What happened to you at the party last night?" Sam broke the silence that had comfortably formed around us.

"Got wasted and went to bed early. I don't remember much of last night," I lied straight through my teeth. I mean the part about not remembering is true. "Less talking more cleaning. My parents will be home in a couple hours and if they see what happened we'll all go down."

With that being said we managed to finish getting the house cleaned and ready for the parents arrival an hour before they got home.

When they got home the eight of us were spread out in the tv room dozing off from exhaustion of cleaning. Margo and I were laid across the long couch top and tail style. Duke was passed out on the recliner Stella laying on his chest scrolling through her phone not paying attention. John and Sam were sitting on the floor talking about some homework in a class they had. I don't remember which considering I was to tired to remember my own name. Christa and Damien were sitting at the bay window making out four feet away from the rest of the group, I love the two of them, but sometimes I wished they would choke on each other's tongue because that seems to be the only thing that would get them to stop making out.

Looking at the two made thoughts of the night before flash through my mind. Granted I've made out with more people then I can remember, but none of the girls I've done it have the memory of themselves left imprinted in my mind.

I brushed it off and just continued watching the movie that was playing on the TV. Praying to any and every God out there that this would just go away. Whatever this was.


What is up guys!!!
So yeah Connor is french, and he's fluent.
I'm pretty much ghost writing him as my dream guy at this point, no shame.

What do you think Anders meant when he said "we'll see about that." When Connor told him he wasn't going to ever experience what happened again.

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