Chapter 12

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I woke up the next morning feeling extremely warm. Not like a sweaty warm, but a comfortable one. I didn't want to move out of my spot because of it so I just stayed there with my eyes closed and drifted back to sleep.

That lasted a whole twenty minutes before a crash that came from downstairs invaded my ears. When I jumped up to go see what happened I was stopped by an arm.

Thats when all the color left my face. Anders' arm was wrapped around my waist his other arm under my head and our legs were tangled together, and the worst part was I enjoyed it. I liked being so close to him. What in the hell was going on with me?

"Hey, Anders," I was praying he would wake up and not freak out. While also praying he wouldn't wake up and we could stay like this for a little longer. "I heard something downstairs you have to get up."

His eyes slowly fluttered open and he gave me a small smile. "Good morning," his voice was raspy and I didn't even mind that he hadn't brushed his teeth, but I couldn't let him know that.

"Go bush your teeth I'm going downstairs," he began to unwrap himself from me. As soon as he did so I felt a cold feeling consume me. Nonetheless I walked out of the room and headed down the grand steps and found my way to the kitchen where his mother was stationed making breakfast in a black dress and a lab coat on top. When she saw me she gave me a confused look before turning back around to face the stove.

"Good morning, hun. How was your sleep," her bright smile helped me wake up as she brought the bacon she was frying up into a plate setting it down on the table along with the eggs, toast and orange juice. "You don't have any allergies do you?"

"Good morning Ms. Gold and no I'm not allergic to anything." I told her as I took a seat on one of the barstools sat in front of the kitchen island.

"Please call me Olivia," she look down at her watch with a worried look before looking back at me. "I have to get to work now. Is Anderson awake yet?"

I almost choked on the eggs she had made at her words, "Anderson?"

"It's his given name, dear. Don't tell him I told you though he hates it." She smiled to me as she began to walk away to what I believe was the front foyer.

"To answer you question he is awake," with that I heard the loud slam of the door and a couple minutes later a shirtless Anders- sorry Anderson- came walking down the stairs and into the kitchen taking a seat in front of me.

"Good morning, Anderson," his eyebrows shot up to his hairline at my words and he looked like he was going to kill someone.

"I'm going to kill my mom," I laughed at his words as I continued eating. "You know you aren't wearing any pants."

I looked down in shock now understanding why Ms. Gold- I mean Olivia gave me such a weird look when I walked down this morning, "great now your mom probably thinks we fucked or something."

"Well I mean we did. Was I that bad that you keep forgetting?" He asked me with a fake pout that I actually felt bad about.

"No! Wait I mean yes. No I just mean I don't know," I panicked and he gave me a small chuckle followed by his smile. The real one, "you should smile more."

"What do you mean I always smile," he gave me a challenging look, but I ignored it and continued to talk.

"No, you smirk. Your real smile never really comes out, but it's very pretty," what is up with me? Why is Anders making me say all these stupid things.

"Thank you," he said with a small blush- wait a blush.

"Aww did I make you blush," I teased him, but he just shook his head and continued to eat his breakfast as we sat there in silence. Comfortable silence though. Everything seemed to be comfortable between Anders and me recently.

Not even ten minutes later two little girls in pink tutus came running down the stairs and straight into Anders. "Good morning girls. How was your sleep?"

The girls screamed back their answers that I couldn't focus on as I was to busy staring at the boy, who was usually so aggressive and tough, be so delicate with his sisters.

"Are you our brothers new boyfriend," one of the girls asked me, making me practically choke on my eggs as I let out a string of loud coughs.

"You okay?" Anders asked me with concern in his eyes. I didn't respond I just nodded my head as I stood up to head back upstairs. "Where you going?"

"I'm gonna go change," I told him as I brought my plate into the sink.

"Why don't you have any pants on," one of the girls asked me causing both of them to laugh and bring a small smile to Anders' lips.

"Just got a little hot last night that's all," I practically ran upstairs to put my jeans back on. After I finished doing that I decided to look around his room a bit more before I would go downstairs.

I looked at his 'wall of memories' as he put it seeing all the things that were important to him. I realized that I learned more about him in these past 24 hours than I've been willing to know about him in the 5 years we've been terrorizing each other.

Never did I think I would actually enjoy being around Anders. I also didn't think I would enjoy being hugged by Anders so much like I did. I guess there really is a first for everything.

Without thinking I took a seat on his bed moving myself all the way up so my back could rest against the headboard and closed my eyes. For a solid minute I was alone before I heard a knock at that door.

"Hey Connor?" Anders voice came from the other side of the door a bit muffled, but sill audible. "Can I come in?"

"Yah," I heard the door click before it opened revealing anders with a worried look on his face.

"Is everything okay?" His voice had sincere worry evident in it and I didn't want him to worry about me I felt bad about it.

"I'm fine can you just," I stopped myself before I finished myself taking a big breath not wanting a negative reaction to my question, "can you just come sit with me?"

He smiled softly at me that reminded me of his mothers comforting one. He slowly walked towards the bed and took seat right bedside me, "do you want to talk about it."

"Everything is different and I don't know how to feel about it," I told him honestly as I brought my legs up to my chest.

"I get it. Never thought I would wake up in the same bed as Connor Walsh and not feel anything, but disgust and confusion, but this morning I didn't want to leave."

"Maybe we can keep doing this than?" My voice was as quite as a mouse and I was scared that my words would have serious consequences. He didn't say anything thought he just moved down the headboard so his head was on the pillow and put his arms out for me to join him. I hesitated for second before moving down as well and put my head on his chest listening to his heart beat as he snaked his arms around my waist making me feel warm again.

I liked this and I liked Anders. What even is my life lately.


What's up guys surprise a new chapter and you didn't have to wait three months because I'm an idiot with writers block. I hope you guys are enjoying the book so far and please leave me any feedback and if you see any spelling and grammar point it out so can't fix it. Thank you!!

What do you think is going to happen to the boys once Monday comes around? What do you think is going to happen?

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