Chapter 15

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Can we try and get at least five comments on this chapter?? please and thank you!! love you guys!!

No, we didn't have sex get your mind out of the gutters. You think just because two guys who are into each other and have a bunch of pint up sexual frustration and are sleeping in the same bed together are gonna have sex? This isn't some cliche book written by a horny teenage girl.

We did lay in bed together all night. Twisting and turning, but somehow being comfortable through it all. I was laying on my stomach underneath Anders as he leaves hickeys and kisses down my back. He makes me shiver every time his lips make contact with my back.

When his phone starts ringing he stops and gets up to grab. He looked down at the caller ID and sighed.

"What's wrong," I ask him, a worried look on my face as I sat up from my previous position on the bed to face him.

"Nothing," he turned off his phone and placed it back down on the dresser next to his bed. He sighed as he laid down next to me looking up to his ceiling.

"Are you going to talk to me about it?" He didn't respond as we laid together in silence. I turned my face towards his as he did the same our noses touching. "I was thinking."

"That's never a good thing," he caught me off before I could finish my thought, but I didn't bother with a snarky remark as I tried to finished my sentence.

"What if with us we just play everything out by the minute. We don't worry about tomorrow or next week or a year from now. All we think about is us and what we'll do in this minute and the next." I paused to look at his face, "what do you think?"

"I think in this minute we should kiss," I smiled as I tilted my head down to lay a kiss on his nose with a soft smile.

"Not till you brush your teeth," I got up and headed to the bathroom to do the usual morning routine. I had borrowed a new toothbrush that they must have gotten from the dentist it's a cheap little thing, but it does the job.

I contemplated taking a shower and instead opted for what my grandpa would call a "Portuguese shower" and used some deodorant, the spray one. I don't care who you are I will never use someone else's deodorants if it has to directly touch mine and someone else's under arms.

I walked out of the bathroom to see Anders standing around in the middle of the huge room looking down at his phone. I walked behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist and he shut off his phone and slid it into his pocket.

"What are you doing?" I asked as he turned his body so we were face to face.

"I just got a text from Samantha," he had a worried expression in my face and I had a confused one. Who the fuck was Samantha?

"Is Samantha your...," I couldn't bring myself to finish the thought. Anders cupped my face and brought me closer to him.

"No, she's my cousin don't worry," I felt my self let go of a breath I didn't even know I was holding in as I laid my head on his broad shoulder bringing my nose into the crook of his neck. "I don't want this to end."

"Then don't end it," I told him honestly. I lifted my head a just a little bit to place a light kiss just behind his ear. "You and I minute by minute."

"That's so gay of you," I looked up and used all my strength and power not to punch him right now.

"Way to ruin the moment dumbass."


ok hi
i'm so sorry that it took soooo long for an update school has just been emotionally ruining me recent and i haven't had any inspiration to write. i'm also sorry for this shitty ass shout update i promise a better one next chapter. this was just a filler.

what do you think samantha texted anders about?

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