Chapter 22

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Beep! Beep! Beep!

I woke up in a panic as the loud blaring sound of my alarm clock blasted through the room. I let out a loud groan as I turn myself around, so I'm facing Anders. He was sound asleep and looked so content to see. I felt like I was intruding watching him, so I decided to go the mature way and got out of the bed.

"Wake the fuck up, bitch!" I yelled at him from the side of the bed. He immediately jumped up, scared from my screaming. When he finally realized what happened, he only frowned at me.

"You're such a dick," his frown turned into a smirk as I leaned across the bed to give him a peck on the lips.

"And you're such a bottom," I told him as I pulled away from him quickly as I walked over to his bathroom.

"I am not!" He tried to protest to me, but I was already in the bathroom and letting the water run to take a well-deserved shower. While I was warming up the water, I could hear him walking around mumbling about how he was a switch, dumbass.

Last night had been...eventful. After we got to Anders' place everything kinda went fuzzy. Like I remember every single detail and I know I enjoyed it, a lot, but if you asked me to tell you what happened, I wouldn't be able to. One thing I do know, Anders Harry Gold was a total bottom. I guess that's why my ass didn't hurt the morning after the party.

A knock at the door pulled me out of my thoughts as I opened the bathroom door in nothing but my boxers. There in his true glory was Anders leaning against the frame of the door.

"Mind if I join you?" I smirked up at him before, and without saying anything, I stripped down to my birthday suit and jumped in the shower. My body relaxed as the warm water hit it. As I closed my eyes, I could feel two arms and something else press against me, which made me smile.

"Don't think I'm going to fix your little problem down there," I tell him turning my body around grabbing the shampoo bottle I squirt some in his hair and massage it around for him before letting the water wash the soap all down the drain.

"You touching me alone is enough," he winks before grabbing the bottle of shampoo and doing the same to me as I did to him.

"You horny bastard," I laugh as I take some of the leftover soap residues and use it to clean his upper body. When I look back up to him, I could practically see him holding back, so being the good boyfriend, I am I reached down lower till my hand was touching his member.

"Now don't say I never did anything for you."

By the time we finished getting ready for school, after a few less than holy encounters, we were running a tad late with only twenty minutes to get to school and a fifteen-minute car ride. I was wearing a pair of Anders' joggers and a band tee for a band called the beach boys.

One thing I've noticed being around Anders so much is that he's a total whore for the arts. For some football jock he sure does have a soft side, and a hard side if you catch what I'm throwing.

"Since my car is still at the party and I want an excuse for you to come home with me after school Samantha is sitting outside waiting to take us to school," Anders yells at me from the other room as I text Margo to bring my backpack to school.

"Who?" I ask genuinely confused as to who Samantha is.

"Samantha, my cousin. We talked about her like four days ago," I just shrugged as I slipped on the pair of vans I had on yesterday and grabbing my car keys just in case.

I got into the front seat of this total strangers car, much to Anders' dismay. The girl was the embodiment of the sun to be frank. She reminded me of a puppy. She has brown curly hair that was tied up into a loose bun with two random pieces of hair untied that framed her face perfectly.

"I'm Connor," I reached my hand out to shake hers and she kindly accepted it.

"Samantha, but my friends call me Sam. You can choose what you call me," she smiled at me as she put the car into drive and headed down the road towards hell.

"Sam can you not flirt with my boyfriend please," Anders asked from the backseat a frown sketched onto his face. I reached my hand back towards him as he eagerly accepted like a puppy who just got his bone.

"Shut up Anders. Sam, if you go to Wentworth how come I've never seen you around," I asked as I pull down the visor to look at myself in the mirror. I had slight bags under my eyes thanks to not sleeping much these past couple of days. Anders if you can somehow read minds fuck you its your fault bitch.

"Im a junior so I have to keep up with my own appearances in my grade. Theirs never any time when you've THE Anders Gold's little cousin." I laughed at that already knowing that Samantha was going to be someone I was going to get along with really well.

"Come on it cant be THAT bad. Anders isn't even that cool," That comment got me an offended 'hey' from the backseat.

"Being a Gold is a full-time job that won't let me put my two weeks in," she smiled and turned up the volume to the car radio. The sound of Anders singing softly in the backseat made me smile to myself as I made small talk with Sam in the front seat.

All was going well till we reached the school parking lot, also know as the gateway to hell. I got out of the car as slow as possible shutting the door behind me. I looked around hoping I'd find Margo around or at least one of my friends. When I didn't I walked around the cat to put my arm around Connors shoulder and pulled him close to give him a small peck on his cheek.

"You look sexy in my clothes," he whispered in my ear making a small smile form on my lips, "but you look even better with them off.

When I looked up at the students lingering in the parking lot and could see that most of them had taken an interest into what Anders and I were doing. Not that it was that interesting, like what do you expect us to do get naked and fuck in the middle of a public space? Porn is free people so find your own.


I finally feel like my writers block has been lifted and I'm FINALLY in the zone to write some new chapters that hopefully everyone will like.

What do you think is going to happen at school today today?
If any character in this book could have their own story who would you want it to be?

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