Chapter 10

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Against my better judgement I chased him. Well not like chased him chased him but I definitely followed him. In a totally unstalkerish way. He was walking to the parking lot and when I realized just how close he was to his car I picked up my pace and called out his name.

"Anders!" He didn't look back, hell he didn't even notice that I called out to him and by now he was about to unlock his car when I picked up my paces to full speed and ran across the entitle parking lot until I reached his black Jeep.

"What the-" I didn't let him finish as I cut him off with my heavy breathing, giving me a concerned look he grabbed my wrist making me slightly twitch as he looked at me. "Are you okay."

"Asthma is a bitch," I say in between breaths as I looked up to him while he smiled down at me.

"Why did you follow me?" He raised his eyebrow, but kept a small smile on his face letting me know that he wasn't mad about it. I don't know why, but the thought of him not being mad that I followed him made me feel good.

"You're the one who ran away from me first. You explain first," he rolled his eyes at me before sighing and giving in.

"Fine. When people apologize for my dad dying it just doesn't sit well. I've never understood it. He passed away when I was 10 he was a good man who lost to a battle of cancer. When people apologize for his death especially when they never knew him makes him seem weak. When he was anything but that." I put my arm on his forearm in an attempt to comfort him which in all honesty wasn't my strong suit. "It's your turn why did you run after me."

"I don't know to be honest. You were upset and you walked away without an explanation I guess I just wanted to know what I did wrong."

"You know what I'm about to say doesn't change the fact that I hate you and would rather eat shit out of my own hands than be nice to you, but do you want to hang out tonight," I involuntarily smiled as I looked down at my phone. 6:47pm.

"What I'm about to say doesn't change the fact that I rather burn down an orphanage than ask you about your day, but yeah, I'd like to," I was about to get into his passenger seat when I remembered why I was here. "Shit I forgot about Margo."

I looked out into the parking lot to where I parked earlier to see the 5'6" girl leaning against the old Honda my parents gave me for my 16th birthday. I called out to her as I quickly ran over to the car, "cant explain, drive yourself home, scratch my car and I'll scratch your face."

"Ok?" She gave me a weary look before taking the keys and getting in the car. I back away from her as she drove the car off as far as the eye could see before turning around and heading towards Anders.

"We're really doing this aren't we?" He asked me as I go into his passenger seat as he started up his car.

"We better my ride just left and you're my only option," I laughed until we fell into a comfortable silence, the radio playing softly in the background.

After about 20 minutes passing we were sitting in front of a golden gate protecting a community of perfectly positioned houses. Anders spoke into a machine before a beep was heard and the gates opened. That was the richest thing I've ever seen, until I looked up and noticed how big this neighborhood really was.

By the time we pulled up into his driveway my jaw was permanently attached to the ground and I had to try and regroup myself as we hopped out his car. When we stepped inside his house, finally, I thought I was gonna pass out from shock because of what I was seeing.

"Dude your living room is literally the size of my basement," I didn't grow up in a poor family. In fact I was quite privileged to have grown up the way I did, but this? This wasn't privileged, it was fucking beyond that that there wasn't even a word for it.

He brought me upstairs to his room. The stairs looked like the ones from those movies. You know the ones. His room had my jaw unhinged at the sight. He had navy blue walls with pictures of what look to be collectibles like old pictures and concert tickets among other things. His bed was made and everything was neatly put into their respectful spots. On the far end of the room on sat a couch. Anders controller was in his right hand and setting up his console with his left.

"Dude close your mouth. Also are you getting a hard on from my room," I looked down immediately scared that he was being serious and when I realized he wasn't I ran over to him and jumped on top of him. We wrestled back and fourth with each other, his video game controller tossed off to the side the moment I jumped on him. We lasted for about 10 minutes before he was hovering over me with my hands pressed to the ground. "I win."

"Not fair you do sports and stuff," he smirked at me before slowly letting go and heading over to his couch grabbing his controller on the way and plopping himself down onto the seat. Once I recollected myself I slowly walked over to him and joined him in the game.


Hey long time no see....
did you miss me??
I decided I would give you this fluffy little chapter.... also thank y'all for 100 reads idk if I already say something about it previously but oh whale!!!!? Lol

What do you think is gonna happen at Anders house in the next chapter??
(Totally not asking because I'm running out of ideas pfft)

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