Chapter 14

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Ehh do you think we can get like 5 comments on this post ??? I'm tryna to do a goal thing for each chapter now let's see it it works!

It was around 6:00 pm when we found ourselves back in Anders' room doing random stuff barely even talking. I was sat on his bed scrolling through my phone switching between the same three apps not bothering to actually pay attention to what I was doing.

"I need a nickname for you," I told him as I shut off my phone and looked up to where he was standing. He turned around with a questioning look on his face making his way to me and laying down horizontal across his bed. "Your mom calls you Anderson. Everyone else calls you Anders I need something special to call you."

"I don't know bro," I leaned over so my face was hovering over his just a couple of inches  apart.

"Did you just bro-zone me?" I asked making him smile and tilt his head forward to place a butterfly kiss on my nose that made me softly laugh because it tickled.

"How about I call you Harry since it's your middle name?" I asked as turned my self over to rest my head on his chest so our bodies formed a 'L' formation.

"My grandparents call me Harry," I sighed tryna think of a different name to call him.

"How about Andy?" I tilted my head to look at him and he had a small frown on his face, "what's wrong, love?"

"It's nothing. My dad just used to call me Andy and I guess I just got hit by a wave of memories because of it," he sadly smiled down at me placing a kiss or my forehead before sitting up on the bed moving my head into his lap in the process. "I'm going to go shower, you going to spend the night?"

I nodded my head and watched as he got up and grabbed his sweatpants and headed into the bathroom. I waited till the water was running till I pulled out my phone once again and called Margo anxiously waiting for what felt like forever for her to pick up as it rang. After two rings she picked up the phone and I didn't even get a word in before she started yelling at me about what was going on.

"Margo shut up and let me explain," she let out a loud huff before she actually was quiet enough to let me get a word. "I've been at Anders' house and I'll be staying another night. We've also kinda ended our feud and we've been close like together close."

"Oh," was all she said into the phone. We just sat there for what felt like a life time as I waited for her to say something else, "that's ok, but expect me to make you tell me all the details the next time I see you."

"Ok, I have to go now," I ended the conversation short when I heard the shower water stop running. A few seconds later a dripping wet Anders walked out with only a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Take a picture it will last longer," he smirked at me before turning towards his dresser.

"Don't use my words against me it's unfair," my eyes followed him across the room as he looked around for different things. "What's the point of bringing your sweatpants into the bathroom if you're not even going to put them on in there?"

"I was going to, but then I thought there is an extremely hot boy currently sitting on my bed right now why wouldn't I walk out in only a towel," he walked closer to me. Hovering over me due to the fact that he was standing and I was sitting on his bed. He put his hand on my cheek and he just looked at me with so much intensity it made me want to shrivel up a bit.

"Can you stop looking at me like that?" I asked him feeling so small under his gaze his lips just curled up into a smirk at my words.

"What would you like me to do instead?" I thought about it for half a second before mirroring the smirk that was on his face.

"How about I show you instead," with that I grabbed his face in both my hands and placed my lips on his. The kiss was rough and rushed at first till we both eased into it and become extremely passionate. We battled for dominance for a couple of seconds till I gave in and let him have it.

The only thing that was on my mind was that I was kissing Anders Gold and it was the best kiss I've ever had. I didn't want this to end. I didn't want this weekend to end, but in a little over 24 hours it's gonna be Monday and I don't know what was going to happen when that time comes. I was forcing myself not to think about it. If I didn't let it bother me it won't happen, right?

When we broke apart we were both smiling like idiots. I knew that we weren't going to do anything besides kiss because I wasn't ready. I knew we've already done some stuff, but I want to start fresh have a real relationship.

"Want to watch a movie?" I nodded my head and watch him walk over to the smart tv in front of his bed and turning it on to watch something on Netflix. "Any suggestions?"

"Can we watch oceans eleven?" I asked after thinking about it for a minute.

"You're such a nerd do you know that?" I just smiled at him and hurried him back to the bed once he put on his sweat pants.

Like I thought we ended up barely paying attention to the movie at all and we're in our own little bubble the entire time. After about forty minutes he gave me a serious expression on his face and I gave a concerned one in return.

"What are we going to do when Monday comes?" He questioned me. Of course he brings up the one thing I didn't want to talk about it.

"Can we just be us and when Monday happens we pretend nothing has changed these past couple of days. I'm just not ready to tell anyone," he gave me a sad smile, but didn't say a word. "I want to be with you though. I want to hold your hand and kiss your very kissable lips and we will. Just not at school or schoolish outings."

"I get it," he gave me a soft smile and tightened his hand around my waist. "We'll go at the pace that you need us to go at right now. Even though you've practically moved in already. I mean dude I don't even let my best friends be at my house this much."

"Well you got a huge ass house your family is awesome and your kitchen is cool as hell," he put his hand on his chest in fake mockery that made me chuckle a bit.

"Is that it?" He expectantly asked me trying to hide his smile behind a cough.

"Yup that's it."

"Well than I guess I'll have to change that."


This chapter has been sitting in my unpublished for 17 years because school has been kicking my ass. I have some uh to do and my art teacher is a total alarmist and makes me want to repeatedly slam my head on my desk

What do you think Anders will do to change Conners mind????
Second question
Who is your favorite character in my story so far/ who have you relate to more??? I would really like to know considering I wrote a lot of the character based off my own personality and close friends and family!!!

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