Chapter 13

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I woke up what felt like a couple minutes later, but I know it was about two hours of sleeping together. A knock on the door of Anders' bedroom had been what woke me up. I looked up at Anders one more time before removing my body from his embrace. I looked at our hands that had managed to get entangled and I kissed the back of his hand before going to open the door for whoever it was.

"Hello?" When I opened the door I couldn't see anyone till a giggle came from below and I looked down to see the two little girls. Oh no, we completely forgot about the girls for like two hours. "Hey girls what's up?"

"We want to make cupcakes!" They shouted very loudly causing one of my ear drums to pop. One of the positives to having Margo as a sister was she didn't talk till we were like 7.

"If you girls go ask your brother nicely I'm sure he would be up to it," I moved aside to let them into the room. They looked at each other very evil like till they started running and jumping and yelling at Anders to get up and to bake them cupcakes. I pulled out my phone from the sight and started to smile at the scene.

"Hey! Put that phone done before I make you," he screamed from underneath the dog pile the girls had put him under. I gave him a challenging look before finally putting the phone away. Right before also taking a just incase photo. "Alright girls get off of me or I won't help you bake your cupcakes.

The girls practically flew off of Anders before running downstairs into the kitchen getting ready to create a huge disaster that we would probably have to clean up and by we, I mean Anders will probably make me clean.

"Hey where do you think your going?" He stopped me before I could leave the room putting me gently against the wall and himself.

"Didn't you here? We're making cupcakes downstairs," I smirked up at him before looking down at his lips and back up at his eyes. He bit his lips at my words and actions.

"Stay over again tonight?" he asked as he brought his hand up to my cheek putting his lips on the crook of my neck and slowly bringing his lips kiss by kiss up my neck and just as he was about to place his lips on mine a scream was heard from downstairs making both of us look towards where the sound was coming from.

"Cock blocks!" He yelled before smirking at me and walking down the stairs where hell was awaiting. I was close behind admiring, well, everything.

Then I just stopped dead in my tracks. What the fuck am I doing. I'm literally sleeping with the enemy. How the hell am I going to tell my friends. Oh I know, I'm not. I continued to walk downstairs and also made a mental note to talk to Margo about everything. She's the one who wanted to get closer and what better way than to nose dive right in.

"Took you long enough," was the first thing I heard when I walked into the kitchen. The marble counter tops were covered from top to bottom in flour and the girls were running around with frosting on their faces.

The first thing I did was grab the hand vacuum that was hanging on the wall and turned it on to clear off all the white powder from the counters. Then I grabbed the girls and cleaned up their faces and took away the sugar covered spoons they were carrying around. That earned me some very loud complaints from both the little girls but I just smiled and told them that if they have sugar now they won't be able to eat the cupcakes and that shut them up really fast.

"Wow, what a mom," the snickering voice of Anders spoke from behind me and when I turned around I didn't have the urge to punch him in the mouth instead I wanted to do other things to his mouth.

"Wow, what an irresponsible older brother who apparently can't make cupcakes without making a mess that would put the time Austria went into war with its self and lost to shame," he gave me a confused look as he began to walk closer to me.

"I have no idea what you just said you dork," again somehow not feeling the constant urge to punch him in the throat, what is wrong with me? I just wrapped my arms around his neck, as he did the same to my waist, and looked at him with the same look a 14 year old girl gives to a picture of 16 year old Harry Styles.

"You're the dork," I told him smugly as I bit my lip which I could tell made him very frustrated.

"Nice comeback," I put the top of my head against his chest as he rubbed the sides of my waist up and down which made me squirm. "Someone's a bit ticklish."

"Do it and I won't stay over," I threaten as he pouted and brought his hand up to my face to cradle it in. Like a a cat I pushed my face further into his touch desperate for the intense burning that came from being so close to the boy.

"The cupcakes are burning," he told me nonchalantly as if we wouldn't have two screaming girls very upset at us if they didn't get their cupcakes.

I quickly put on the oven glove opening up the oven door and fishing out the red velvet cupcakes that thankfully weren't black from leaving them in too long.

"Cupcakes!" I yelled loud enough so I would be heard from wherever the two girls ran off to halfway through trying to put the baked goods together. Screams were heard from the living room before the girls found their way to the kitchen, screams louder than before.

We decorated the cupcakes which took about 10 minutes before the girls got bored and decided to eat the cupcakes in the messiest way possible. Which Anders and I had to spend 40 minutes cleaning up, in all fairness it probably wouldn't have taken so long if Anders didn't try to make out with me every 5 minutes.

I really need to call Margo.


What is up my babes! I'm back with a new update and can I just say my babies are really cute as fuck right now like wow!

If you could ask Connor one question what would you ask him. Feel free to make it as deep or funny or long of whatever you like really want to know!!

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