Chapter 26

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Connors POV

I'm finally allowed to go home. One night in a hospital bed and my back feels like it will never recover. The doctors gave me a long speech about what I can and can't do and I held back all my eye rolls in anticipation to be let free of this hell hole (but also mad respect to doctors and nurses y'all the real mvps).

Anders and Margo spent the night at the hospital with me and it was quite sweet, but now their fighting about who has to drive me home and I'm one second from smashing my skull into the pavement.

"Will the two of you shut the fuck up all this yelling is going to get me readmitted into the hospital," they shut their mouths real faster after that making me pridefully smile. "I'm going to go with Anders not because I like him more, because honestly I don't, but because I like his car better."

"I don't even want you in my car," Anders told me as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and kissed my forehead.

"What a convincing argument now let's go home I want to eat an entire box of pop tarts and rewatch Brooklyn 99," I told Margo later before walking to Anders car. It was a Mercedes Benz or something I don't know jack shit about cars, but at this point anything beats the Honda Civic Margo drives.

"Do you think when the doctor said you couldn't do any hands on sports she meant sex too?" Oh Anders always the charmer, such a way with words.

"God I hope not, but it's worth the risk. Now drive comrade!"

We didn't really talk during the ride back to my house I mostly just played the music really loud which resulted in Anders lowering it and reminding me I have a concussion. What a drag.

By the time we reached my house I had gotten two stern lectures from Anders and a few scowls, nothing that a good blow-y couldn't fix. 

"Oh beautiful couch that I have missed. So soft and so warm and inviting." I flopped down hard on the couch and I could already hear my back thanking me for it.

"Oh Connor always the dramatic," I flipped off Margo as she walked past me up the stairs into her room to go be emo or whatever she likes to do.

"Will you please get me something edible from the pantry I can already feel the ptsd my stomach will have for the sad excuse of food that the hospital was serving," Anders got off the couch with a roll of his eyes but none the less made his way to the kitchen.

"If you weren't a cripple I would slap your ass all the way to Dubai."

"Kinky. I like it," I heard him fake gag which brought a smile to my face.

He brought me back pop tarts and decided on watching every episode of b99 till we both feel asleep on the couch together. This would have been really cute if I hadn't woke up with my back all sore.

I checked the time on the clock which read 2:35 am. My parents and Margo were probably asleep by now on their comfy mattress while we slept on the stiff couch. Speaking of us I looked at Anders who's arms were wrapped around my stomach and head in the crook of my neck. He looks so peaceful when he's asleep too bad he's the literal devil when awake, still cute though.

I poked his face gently till his eyes fluttered open slowly and a groan escaped his lips, "what time is it?"

"It is too early to be up o'clock," I told him as I began to attempt to unravel from his grip which was incredible difficult considering every move I made he just held tighter.

"So then why the fuck did you wake us up?"

"Well I'm sorry, next time I'll just let you sleep on the couch and make sure you're in so much pain in the mornings that it makes your back feel as if your name is Gertrude and you've been stuffed into an old age home by your ungrateful offspring," before I could realize what was happening he pushed me off the couch with a low shut up as he made his way to my room without me. Rude!

I got off from the floor with a dramatic sigh and stomped (metaphorically not literally because I did not want to wake up my mom and get my ass beat) upstairs. I could only pretend to stay so mad as I saw Anders laying wrapped up in my covers like a little puppy.

"Come to bed, I'm tired," he groaned his voice raspy and wet. I didn't hesitate as I climbed into bed and pressed my back into his chest as he wrapped his arms back around my waist and pulling me in as closely as he could.

"Remember when we were 13 and I was still new to the country and spoke broken English?"
I asked the sudden memory flickering in my head like and old lightbulb. I got an annoyed but confirming groan from Anders that told me to continue, "there was a time in, I think science, we were learning about animal biology or something like that and instead of asking 'why the shell of a crab is hard' in english I asked 'why the coque of a crab is hard' I don't think you or any of your friends let me live that down for months."

Anders stifled laugh from where his face laid in the pillow made me smile softly, "you were the butt of every joke we made for at least a month, but in our defence when you're 13 and someone asks why a crabs cock is hard it's the funniest thing you've ever heard."

"Don't pretend that you only laughed because you were 13 and dumb. You're 17 and dumb and you'd still laugh at something like that," I told him laughing at his exasperated gasp that I'd assume was an attempt to sound offended and I might've thought it was if he wasn't grinning like an idiot.

"You're absolutely right I would still to this day totally laugh at something like that if it happened," he placed his head back down on the pillow and spoke softer then he did before. "Now shut up I would actually like to get some sleep tonight if you don't mind.

"Goodnight Gold."

"Goodnight Walsh."


I know it's been a hot minute, but I've just been so creatively drained. If you couldn't tell from this chapter I'm feeling extra emotionally and wishing I had someone to cuddle with right now, but anyways tell me what you guys are doing during quarantine to keep yourself busy.

If you Anders and Connor were in quarantine together what would happen and how would they spend their days?

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