Chapter 2

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Connors POV

The party was in full swing with every girl and boy that attended the school down the road and even some that didn't. The girls were grinding on anything that resembled the male specimen and even some that didn't. Those not dancing were in the back taking shots and everything was perfect. Well almost everything.

I made my way to the back of the house were a group of us decided to play a drinking game. something along the lines of 'Truth or Dare or Drink.' It was really just an excuse to drink my moms expensive alcohol that she kept locked up that I made a spare key for. Just don't tell her I did it because I would like to live to my graduation day.

"Alright ladies and not-so-gentle men welcome to the game of 'Truth or Dare or Drink.' the rules are quite simple, but just in case you are a simple-minded pig, looking at you Anders, I will explain the rules," Margo continued to explain, knocking a few punches at Anders and his crew a couple times while at it making us all laugh.

"Shall we begin?" a few nods and grunts came from the group as Margo had reached to spin the bottle. It landed on a girl with bright blue eyes and raven dark hair who looked quite familiar shes in one of my classes, I just can't pinpoint which of them. "Natalie truth or dare or drink?"

The girl whose name I figured out is Natalie thought for a second before an innocent smile fell onto her lips as she answered the question, "truth."

That's how the rest of the game had gone. A few drinks here and there some people became shirtless after the first few rounds and some makeout sessions every so often I decided to just zone out till it was my turn. When it was Anders turn, Natalie had spun the bottle and it landed on him as a not so innocent smile fell onto her lips what looked like an idea was being hatched in her head, "so Anders what will it be?"

"I choose dare," a playful smirk made its way onto his lips. God how much I wanted to smack his cocky ass to the next reality.

"I dare you to make out, using full tongue with," she looked around a devious look on her face as she picked a victim. "Connor."

I almost dropped the plastic cup of some type of beer that John brought, "no!" I would hope that Anders would do the same, but to no avail Anders has a reputation of being a daredevil.

He got up as I quickly chugged my beer still not being drunk enough to do this. I caught a quick glimpse of Margo, she looked like she was gonna lose her mind and I made a mental note to get back at her for this.

I looked back and saw that Anders finally made his way over to me and was sitting right beside me his body turned to be facing me. I did the same so we were completely facing each other.

He brought his hand up and gently placed it on my cheek. He didn't move and I was praying to whatever Gods that might be up there that he would back out, just please back out.

Instead he leaned in and brushed his lips to mine sending a strange tingle down my back. Finally he completely leaned in. His lips were smooth, not even close to what I was expecting from him, but it was good. The last thing I would want to do is kiss someone with chapped lips.

When he pulled away my mouth felt like it was on fire. His blue eyes were quite bright and he ran a hand through his light brown hair somewhat brushing it out. He made no attempt to move and neither did I we just sat there staring at each other for a few minutes. We probably would have stayed like that for as long as we could if it wasn't for someone's coughing bringing us back. Anders backed away taking the warmth with him as he sat back in his spot opposite to me. He kept eye contact with me ever after I looked away.

After a few rounds I got bored of the stupid game and the repetitive nature of it and excused myself. I found myself downstairs in the kitchen taking shots with Sam.

By the time the bottle was emptied I was completely, undeniably, totally, fucking wasted and any self composure went down the drain with my self respect.

I was making out and dancing and grinding with just about anything and anyone. By the time 12:00am rolled around my memory seemed to forget everything except a pair of bright crystal eyes and a blinding white smile.

And that's the last thing I remembered before I woke up the next morning.


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