𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗡𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗻

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Yasmin POV (Song - We Are Young by Fun. feat. janelle Monáe)

I woke up pretty late. I was in my bed curled up into my blanket. I could smell food coming from the kitchen.

That's when I remembered Yoongi stayed over yesterday. I tried getting up but my bed was too comfortable.

I grabbed my phone off of my nightstand and I looked through my notifications. I noticed the messages Eun Ae sent me and opened them.

The Devil
How are you and Mr.Yoongi doing???

1 hour later

The Devil
Don't tell me you two did the deed
The dirty
The unholyness
My poor innocent Yasmin
How dare you let him corrupt you?


The only person that corrupts me is you
And no we didn't do the deed
How dare you think I'd give it up that easily?
After we left, we walked to my place and we fell asleep on the couch

The Devil
But it's not my fault
You were the one having dreams about him
And you never told me about his abs

Cause it's none of your business

The Devil
Possessive much

Please die

The Devil
I can't
That would be giving you too much happiness
I'm here to make sure you have a balanced happy-angry ratio or whatever


The Devil
Is he still there?

He's in the kitchen cooking

The Devil
You found a man that respects women and cooks?
You lucky bastard

Please stop
Like please just stop talking
Like never talk again

The Devil
You're lucky I have work or else I'd go over there and embarrass the hell out of you
I'll see you later tho

Okay bye

I put my phone down and I sat up. I stood up and walked into the kitchen. Yoongi was at the stove.

He hadn't noticed me yet. I walked up next to him and said:

"What's on the menu, Chef Min?"

He chuckled at my comment and smiled at me.

"Pancakes, eggs and bacon."

"Sounds good," I said, leaning against the counter.

Yoongi made us both a plate and we ate in silence. The silence was pretty soothing and I enjoyed how quiet it was.

When I finished eating my food, I put the plate and fork in the sink. I walked into the living room and I laid on the couch.

After some time, Yoongi came and sat next to me. He laid his head on my shoulder and he wrapped his arms around my waist. He closed his eyes as he got comfortable.

"Wow Yoongi. You're quite clingy...in a good way, though," I said, smiling.

Yoongi looked at me, then he rolled his eyes. I smiled as I saw the small blush creep onto his face.

"You know you can't go to sleep, right? You have to go talk to your friends."

"Do I have to?" He said, sighing.

"Yes, you can come back afterwards. Now go."

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