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Yasmin POV (Song - Broken by Lund)

Today, I was going to start my new job. It was at this place called "Happy Health For The Mind."

The ad on Craigslist said that it was an institution to help kids with disorders. Basically, I would be there to bond with the kids. Help them open up a bit.

It also said they were desperate for workers. So, I got my job pretty quickly. Not to mention, the pay is pretty good.

My boss said I would be assigned to patient #372. His name was Min Yoongi. The way my boss described him, he seem like a shy kid.

I guess this will be a pretty easy job.

Anyway, I changed my clothes after I did my morning routine. I had on a hoodie and jeans. I put sneakers on and called an Uber.

After a bit of waiting, my Uber came and I walked out my apartment. I locked the door and took the elevator down to the lobby.

Okay, I can deal with kids. My siblings were okay to live with...Somewhat. I'll be fine, I thought.

When the doors opened, I walked outside and got in the car that was right outside my apartment building.

I put my headphones in before the driver could say anything to me. I would rather not talk to this person. No offense but I'd rather not make small talk.

The car started not too long after. I turned my phone on and I FaceTimed my friend, Zara. She was one of the people with me when we last saw Emma.

We all met in high school but Zara was the first person I really clicked with. Original, it was going to be just us moving here but our friend group widened.

I can't complain, though. They are the best people I've ever met. I love them with all my heart and they were always there when I needed them to be.

"Hey, Yasmin. Where are you heading to?" She asked when she answered.

"I am going to my new job. We talked about this, remember?" I smiled.

"You seem pretty confident," she smirked.

"Well, kids don't make me nervous."

"Sorry to rain on your parade but I looked up the place...."

"That silence can't be good."

"......it's not. The place is a mental institution."

"Okay, so what?"

"The patients are all adults.....you can start freaking out now."

"In your dreams. I am an adult. I can deal with other adults."

"Sure. Keep telling yourself that princess."

The car stopped in front of this building. The sign above the doors said "Happy Health For The Mind." I thanked the driver and got out of the car.

"Welp, I'm here. I'll call you after work " I said.

"You better. Oh, and good luck with Mr.Yoongi."

She hung up after that last comment. I must be dumb cause I didn't get it. I could feel my body tense up at the thought of who this Yoongi person was.

I don't really do well with new people.

I put my phone away and walked inside. I was greeted by the worker at the front desk. She looked like a mean, older woman.

"You must be the new worker. Here is your ID card. Would you like to hear our rules?" She asked, clearly wishing she wasn't here.

I took my ID card as i listened to her speak.

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