𝗛𝗶𝘀 𝗕𝗮𝗰𝗸𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗿𝘆

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Fame took this young man by surprise. He was shocked when he was told he would be apart of this new group but he loved every moment of it.

He was delighted to know that his music had helped people wether it was him inspiring them or just him making them happy.

Lord, he had it all. Fame, fame, money, music and women if he wanted to. It wasn't too long before his group became famous worldwide.

After getting this popular and famous, Yoongi thought that nothing would ever happen to him. He thought he was protected and nothing out of the ordinary would ever happen.

But he was wrong.

He was walking home from a friend's party one dark. His members had left a little while before he did. So, he ended up walking back home.

He never thought anything would happen.

While he was walking, Yoongi saw a woman run in his direction.

Yoongi notice a man behind her soon after. He was fast and was chasing the woman. For some reason, she stopped almost 5 feet from Yoongi.

The man took his chance. He grabbed the girl by her hair and stabbed her over and over and over again. He continued until the woman took her very last breath.

Yoongi stood there, shocked and paralyzed. He couldn't believe his eyes. He wanted to run, to scream for help, to get himself to safety but he could.

His body wouldn't move. All he could do was stare in horror as this man killed this woman in cold blood.

The man removed his knife and let go of the woman. Her body dropped to the group and the man stared at her.

He walked up closer to her lifeless body and started screaming. He went on and on about how the girl shouldn't have cheated. How she shouldn't have betrayed him and how she deserved what he had done to her.

Once he was done, he look up at Yoongi and smirked. Although, Yoongi could barely see his face, the small street light made his disgusting smirk visible.

Yoongi took his phone out as fast as he could, still staring at the man. He called the police and explain everything that had happened.

He also told the operator that the man was just standing there, staring back at him. The operator instructed Yoongi to run but he couldn't.

He wanted to. He wanted to run as far from this man as possible but he couldn't move his legs.

Sirens were soon heard. Yoongi turned his head to look at the police car approaching for only a second. When he turned back, the man and the woman were gone.

Yoongi stared at where they were, confused. They were gone as if they hadn't been there at all. The blood had seemed to disappear as well.

How was this even possible?, Yoongi thought. The cops approached Yoongi and he explained everything he had just seen but they didn't seem to believe him.

One cop said that it must be because Yoongi was drunk and that he smelled the alcohol in his breath. Sure, Yoongi had drunken a bit but he knew what he saw.

The cops offered to take Yoongi home and he accepted, still trying to wrap his head around everything.

He didn't get any sleep that night, needless to say. His mind kept going back to the image of that girl, to the man stabbing her and to that devilish smirk he saw.

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