𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗙𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗻

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Yasmin POV (Song - Hayloft by Mother Mother)

I headed over to Zara's apartment. She had gotten off of work early today and she told me she was read to finally find this guy.

She lived pretty close to my apartment. So, I decided to stop by my place real quick. I walked inside and took the elevator up to my floor.

When the elevator opened, I noticed the hallway was empty. I started to feel a strange feeling as I walked to my door. It felt like I wasn't alone.

The hallway was completely empty, though. And it was quiet. Almost too quiet. Like the quiet before a huge storm but I just brushed it off.

I unlocked my door and opened it. I closed it and I felt my whole body tense up. A few feeling started to form inside of me.

This feeling reminded me of how Em's ex made me feel. His presence always creeped me out. It made me anxious and terrified.

I, quickly, changed my shoes and put on my sneaker. Something was wrong. I could feel it. And just in case something happened, I needed to make sure I had everything I needed.

I put my bag down and I took everything I need out. I walked into my bed room and put on my hoodie. I picked up my charger and put it in my pocket.

Then, I pulled out a box from under my bed. I opened it and sighed. Inside was a pocket knife I had bought. I never thought I'd use it but this guy is dangerous.

I put it in my pocket and walked to my front door. As I did, i heard the toilet flush. I turned to it and I saw movement from under the door.

I put the rest of my stuff in my pocket before, quietly, leaving. I walked out of the apartment and to the elevator as quick as I can.

Once I got to the 1st floor, I ran out of the building. I ran straight to Zara's place. As I did, I could feel my stomach twist and turn.

Are things seriously going to get worse? You have to be kidding.

Before I could do anything else, I fell to the ground. I looked across from me and saw Zara on the ground.


"Z, what are you going out here?"

"There was someone in my apartment. I was getting ready for you to come but I someone walked out of my closet," she sighed.

Her voice sounded panicky.

"No way."

"Yeah. I managed to knock him out but we gotta go," she said, standing up and helping me up. "This guy must know we're looking for him."

"Where do we go then?" I asked, walked away from the building.

".....let's go to my parents' house. It's the only safe place right now," she suggest, annoyed.

"I'll call the Uber."

𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚂𝚔𝚒𝚙

The car ride was silent. When we pulled up to the huge ass mansion and we got out. We walked up the driveway. We had to climb the gate to do so but that's fine.

Zara knocked on the door, only to be greeted by her father. She sighed and apologized to him before pushing past him.

She pulled me upstairs into one of the many bedrooms they had. I locked the door behind us and Z sat down.

She opened her laptop and I handed her the phone Yoongi had given me. From there, she began typing. As she did, I started pacing. Not because I was anxious. It's because I was just thinking.

Were we really going to catch this guy?

It's been so many years since what happened. The thought of getting justice started to feel more like a dream than a goal.

Not to mention, I forced myself to forget everything about that day. The whole day felt like a dream, to be honest. One I kept having.

Was this all part of his weird little game?

Yoongi had told me all about the messages he sent him. This game of his was creepy and terrifying.

It almost feels like we're playing right into his hands.

Would we actually be safe after all of this is over?

This guy just had people in our apartments. I don't think this will ever end. And if it does, will we really be safe.

After about two hours of Eun Ae typing and her parents yelling homophobic slurs at her, she found an address.

"Yo, this address looks familiar," she said, pointing to the screen.

I looked at the address, then I grabbed my stuff in a hurry.

"What? What's wrong?"

"That's the asylum's address."

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