𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗘𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗻

963 45 5

Yasmin POV (Song - Put Your Head On My Shoulder by Paul Anka)

I walked out of the bathroom after some time. I walked to the front of the building. There, Yoongi was standing.

He wasn't wearing his suit anymore. He was wearing an all black outfit. He, immediately, notice me. He smiled at me and walked up to me.

He grabbed my hand and he lead me outside. I looked around for the group and Zara but they wasn't here. Then, I got a text from Z saying Yoongi would walk me home.

I put my phone away and continued walking with Yoongi. It was pretty quiet but I didn't mind. I was enjoying his presence.

I noticed that Yoongi wasn't taking me home. He didn't even know where I lived. He lead me to this small park that was near the courthouse. 

Yoongi sat down on a bench and I sat next to him. He turned to me and looked me in my eyes. He held one of his hands at he stared at me.

"...thank you for everything, Yasmin," he said, quietly. His cheeks turned red and he looked away from me.

I stared at him in awe. He kept avoiding eye contact with me as his cheeks got redder. I smiled at him. Then, I pulled him into a hug.

"You don't have to thank me, Yoongi," I said, still smiling.

Yoongi hugged back and I could feel him smiling behind me. I pulled away and he smiled again.

"Am i the first person you've talked to?" I asked. He nodded.

"Wow don't I feel special," I said, smirking.

"You're special to me," he mumbled. I could his face redder. Adorable.

"You're so sweet, Yoongi." I smiled at him once again and he smiled back. "So, what do you wanna do? I took the day off. So, I have some free time."

Yoongi thought about my question for a bit. His previous red shade had faded and he was back to his normal complexion. He, eventually, stood up. I followed in his lead and stood up.

He grabbed my hand and began walking. I didn't know where we were going but it didn't really matter to me.

After a while of walking, Yoongi stopped in front of an ice cream truck. It was a cute shade of pink and had different ice cream images on it.

"Which one do you want?" Yoongi said, quietly.

"No, no, no. What do you want?"

"Mint chocolate chip please."

I nodded and we stood in the line that was in front of the truck. It wasn't long.

Just a few kids and their parents waiting to get some ice cream.

We got to the front of the line and i ordered for us. I got (favorite flavor) and handed Yoongi his.

Yoongi took my hand again and he began walking.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"I have stuff to get from the institute," he said, emotionless.

"What do you need to get?"

"Just my phone and journal, along with a few other stuff."

I nodded at his response and I kept walking. It was a bit too quiet and I got bored. Because of that boredom, random thoughts started flooding my mind.

Should I continue working at that place?

The pay isn't bad...wasn't bad. My pay has been lowered since I had broke Yoongi out.

I could find a new job but finding one would be too hard. At the same time, that place wouldn't be the same without Yoongi.

Where would I work if I did quit?

I think Zara's job is hiring. But we'd get fired. She's loud but us together...yeah we'd definitely get fired..

What if I call my paren-

"You okay?" Yoongi asked, looking down at me.

"Oh yea, I'm fine. I just don't know if I should keep working at there," I sighed.


"I mean, it doesn't really pay that well anymore. But, finding a new job is too hard. Plus, I'll have to do job interviews and it'll take really long for them to get back at me so I can know if I get the job or not," I said, obviously overthinking this.

"You didn't forget our deal, did you?" Yoongi said, bluntly.

"No, but what if my products don't sell? Like sure they're good ideas but what if I get ripped off and someone else makes one before I do?

"That won't happen. Your products will definitely sell. Trust me," he said, slightly smiling.

I sighed and nodded. No matter what I would say, he would always find a way to make the situation positive. I shook off the thoughts and stopped walking.

We were in front of the institute. Yoongi tensed up a bit. I could tell he was getting anxious. We walked in and Yoongi was lead to his previous room.

I stood there with the lady at the front desk. I thought about if I should just quit right now so I never have to come back. Then, I thought about Yoongi. My plan could work.

"Ummm. Ma'am, I am currently looking for a new job so I wanted to say that I'm quitting," I said without thinking.

I must be an idiot. Who just says that out of nowhere?

"Well, you can keep your ID. We'll send your last paycheck to your apartment," the lady said, blankly.

She didn't really care.

Yoongi came back. Talk about perfect timing. He grabbed my hand and we walked out of the asylum.

I lead Yoongi to my apartment. It seemed like there wasn't anywhere else he wanted to go.

The walk to my apartment was uncomfortably silent. Yoongi looked so tense. More tense than before.

We walked into my building and went to the elevator. After a minute or two, we got off on my floor.

I walked to my door and unlocked it before walking inside. Yoongi followed me and closed the door.

I took my shoes off and I sat on my couch. Yoongi did the same as I and he sat next to me.

I laid against Yoongi and closed my eyes. I could feel him calm down next to me.

I didn't know if I should go to sleep or stay awake. I could feel my myself getting calm as I slowly drifted off into dream land.

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