𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗧𝗵𝗿𝗲𝗲

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Yasmin POV (Song - Best day of my life by american authors)

Like yesterday, I woke up early. Not as early as I wanted to since I kept hitting the snooze button.

To be honest, I barely slept last night. I got out of bed and went to my bathroom to shower.

Today was cooler than yesterday. So, I decided to put on a simple outfit and do my hair. I didn't do my makeup because I didn't feel like it.

Today seemed like a good day to walk to work. So, I started walking to work. While I was, I saw a 20 on the ground. I picked it up and smiled.

Must be my lucky day.

Eventually, I got to work. Before I walked to the entrance, I remembered getting yelled at for sleeping on the job. So, I went to a coffee shop that was near by.

I didn't really drink coffee but I remember Yoongi informed me that he liked Iced Americanos. So, I got one for him and one for me.

I left the store and swiped in once I got to work. Yoongi wasn't it the common area though. He was in the back area. He was at the piano writing on a sheet of paper.

When he noticed I walked in, he hid the papers. He put them in a folder and put the folder on the ground.

I walked over and sat next to him after judging him for at least 10 seconds.

"One for you and one for me," I said, handing him the drink.

He smiled and began drinking it. I started to drink mine too and it wasn't that bad. It was pretty good.

Yoongi set his drink down next to him and turned away from me. I could see that he was writing in his journal.

"I'm starting to feel a little excluded," I replied, rolling my eyes.

He kept writing but I could tell he was smirking. I looked over and saw some paint. I got up and opened one of the paint containers.

I picked it up and smirked.

At this time, Yoongi put his book away and was now looking at me. I walked over to him and he moved away from me.

So, I threw the paint on him. I began laughing but he, unfortunately, fought back.

We played in the paint for a while. He poured some on me and I did the same. His laugh was pretty nice to hear.

Not to mention, it was pretty fun.

Sadly, one of the guards caught us playing around.

He yelled at us and we had to clean up all of the paint. Some was on the walls and the floor.

The guard gave us some supplies and he said we couldn't leave until everything was clean. So, we started cleaning.

"This is your fault, Yoongi," I said under my breathe.

While I was cleaning the walls, he turned me around and pinned me against it. He was smirking. 'Omg, I'm dreaming but like this is real.'

He looked me in my eyes and did a slight chuckle

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He looked me in my eyes and did a slight chuckle. He put his finger over my lips (basically tell me to like stfu) and walked away.

He continued cleaning as nothing had just happened. I went back to cleaning as I was mentally dying inside.

From time to time, he would look over at me. That darn smirk never left his face. I, definitely, will be telling Zara about this.

𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚂𝚔𝚒𝚙

We had just finished cleaning. The lady at the front desk gave me this huge sweater she had in storage and some sweats. I changed to the nearby bathroom.

I walked back to the back room. Yoongi was leaning up against the piano. He was still smirking.

Geez, all men do is tease...not that I'm complaining.

Because of my instinct, I walked over to him. He picked me up and put me on the piano. He stood in between my legs.

He looked into my eyes again. His smirked faded. I looked into his. 'Wow, this man has some pretty eyes.' He leaned closer and now our noses we're touching.

I wanted to keep this professional but I almost didn't mind. I wanted to lean in closer but he did before I could. He hugged me and, of course, I hugged back.

We stayed like that for a few minutes. I started dosing off at some point because I didn't finish my coffee.

I closed my eyes and I could feel Yoongi pick me up. He walked all the way to his room and laid me on the bed.

Before he could walk away, I pulled him on the bed and we ended up cuddling. I'm not complaining. I haven't slept the good in a long time.

He was warm and he didn't leave or anything. He stayed the whole time. Granted, he did have his journal so at least he wasn't bored.

It was about 9 pm when Yoongi woke me up. He helped me get my stuff and he even helped me downstairs. When we got to the front area, I hugged him.

Patients couldn't go there because they would be considered escapees. After we pulled away, he went to his room and I walked home.

Once I got to my bed, my mind was flooded with thoughts.

I wanted to keep things professional with Yoongi but I didn't mind it at all. I wanted more to happen but I could get caught.

I mean, I am supposed to bond with him. The job application never said a platonic bond.

So, maybe I can get away with this.

It took me a while to sleep because I got used to Yoongi even if we only cuddle for like 2 hours.

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