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Yasmin POV (Song - Dancing in The Dark by Rihanna)

It is currently Wednesday. I got to take a day off because Yoongi's friends were visiting him.

I know what you're thinking. So, let me explain what happened after Yoongi said he liked me.

We basically agreed that after he got out we would start dating if we still had feelings for each other.

So for now, we are just friends....somewhat.

If I'm being honest, i don't know what we are. I know he likes me and I like him, but being friends isn't something I would say we are.

Anyways, I'm, happily, enjoying my day off. I got to sleep in and I had peaceful dreams.

No, the dream wasn't about Yoongi this time. More so about my business ad me being wealthy.

I sat up from my bed and I checked my phone. There were 20 messages and 10 missed calls from Zara. I called her back and she picked up instantly.


"I know you're not at work yelling like a maniac. You're not that crazy," I said, laughing.

"Of course not. I'm walking to your apartment," she said with anger in her voice.


"Cause I have some things to tell you and you need to tell me how things went with your future husband," she said in a much nicer tone.

I swear I could see her smirk through the phone.

"Ughh I can't stand you."

"Speaking of him, why aren't you at work?"

"His friends are visiting him and I decided to stay home so they can catch up."

"Oh, that makes sense. Now, come open your door."

"Wow, you walk fast."

With that, I hang up and get up. I walked to my door and I open it. She pushed her way into my apartment after glaring at me for a good 5 seconds.

She walked into the small kitchen and she started to cook. I will say her cooking is the best. I sat on the counter while waiting for the food.

"So, did you tell him?" she asked, smirking.

"Yes I did and he likes me back," I said, trying to hide my smile.

"So, are you two dating or not?"

"No, we plan to after he leave that place."

"Okay, does he have abs tho?" She said, smirking.

"Why do you even care?" I asked, rolling my eyes.

"Cause I'm curious. You were curious too. The only different is that you could easily find out. I can't."

"Yea, he has abs."

"Damn, what did they look like?"

"That's none of your business."

"Wow, it's like that and you two aren't even dating," she teased, laughing.

"Oh shut up. How are things going with your future wife?" I smirked.

(Okay so to keep things simple. Mae and Z are dating. Mae uses they/she pronouns, by the way)

"Well, I met her parents and they are way more accepting than mine. They even called me their daughter in law. My parents don't even call me their daughter."

"That's cute. I still find it odd that they would date someone like you."

"I did too. So, I asked them why and they said I was 'charming and a great girlfriend,'" she said, confused.

I gasped. I was just as confused as her.

"Trust me, that was my reaction. Anyway, come get some food before you starve."

"Wow, you have blessed me again with your food," we both giggledat that.

She made me a plate. Then, she handed it to me and started making her own.

"How are your parents anyway?" I say out of curiosity.

Her parent had gotten sick awhile back. They refused to get any medical attention, saying that it was "our time to go," and what not.

"They are getting sicker. My siblings went down to the house yesterday. This may sound wrong but they deserve it," she said, upset.

"I understand. If only me and you had the same parents."

"Maybe then, I'd be a spoiled princess like you."

We both laugh at her remark.

"Are you still in their wills?"

"Yes, I am. Everything is going to me," she said, pleased.

"Why is that if they don't accept you being into girls?"I say, a bit confused.

"Because they know I earned it. They had 5 kids and I'm the youngest. My siblings have kids and they have all been living off my parents money. I'm the only one in my family that went to college and got a job."

"When you get the mansion, I'm moving in," I say, smiling.

"I know. Anywho, why don't we watch movies for a while? Let's make the most of our day off."

"I'm down. We're only watching comedies. I don't feel like watching romances," I say, walking into my room.

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