𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗦𝗶𝘅

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Yasmin POV (Song - My ordinary life by The Living Tombstone)

Saturday. The best day of the week. I woke up at around 2 pm. Very unusual on a Saturday, right? I would have woken up later but I was going out with Zara.

Well, she is forcing me to go.

I got up and changed into jeans with a hoodie. I put my shoes on and left my apartment. It was raining. So, I decided to play my playlist as I walked to the cafe.

My playlist is amazing. Therefore, I started dancing in the middle of the sidewalk. Unfortunately, people started staring at me.

So, I stopped and continued walking.

After a bit, I got to the cafe. Zara was already there, sitting at a table. She had two drinks in front of her. I sat across from her and took my headphones off.

"Took you long enough," she complained.

"Sorry. My playlist was too good," I shrugged.

"Yeah, whatever. I got you an iced tea."

"Thank you."

I took a sip and it tasted magnificent. I'm definitely coming to this place again just to get this tea.

"Yea yea. Now, tell me about this Yoongi guy."

"I'm not supposed to talk about him, if I'm being honest. I can't lose my job."

"Oh my god. I should know about this guy. Plus, if he hurts you, I'll need to give the cops his description."

"No, Z."

"....please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, ple-"

"Okay fine. Let's go. It's too many people in here."

She smiled and stood up. Then,  grabbed her bag and she pulled me outside.

"Here. If you get sick from the rain, Yoongi will be sad," She smirked.

She handed me an umbrella out of her bag. She must've known I didn't have one.

"Yeah right. We are just friends," I said, rolling my eyes.

We opened our umbrellas and started walking.

"Yea friends. Didn't you almost kiss him? Last time I checked, friends don't almost kiss."

"I never should have told you that."

"But you did. So now. Tell me more about him."

"You're so nosy."

"I'm just curious. You know you want to talk about him. So, just tell me."

"...fine," I sighed. "Okay so he's pretty short-"

"Still taller than you, right?" Zara interrupted.

"Yes. He's pretty attractive. He's super nice and sweet. He is such a sweetheart," I smiled.

"Sounds like someone likes him," she smirked.

"I don't. Anyways, he is a piano player. He taught me how to play one of his groups songs."

"Which one?"

"Not telling. Other that all that, he's a painter...Uh, he has black hair right now. Yeah, that's all I got."

"Does he seem 'normal?' Like do you think he belongs there?"

"I think he's 'normal' and he definitely doesn't belong there. He does show some signs of depression but other than that, he seems okay."

"Did you ask him why he is there?"

"No, I'm not ready to ask yet."

"Okay, okay. Enough of that stuff. Let's get back to your massive crush on him," she smiled.

Yea she does this a lot.

"I don't have a crush on him. He's a patient. I can't like him."

"Oh, come on. That's your head talking. Your heart would say something like 'i like him so much. He is so nice and sweet. He is funny and I can't bear being without him'," she mocked.

"I really hate you. Plus, if I did like him, I would have to wait until he gets out of that place. And then, I would have to wait for his company to say it okay for us to date.

Then, his fans would hate me. And my momma might see the threats they'll send. She might force me to move back to America and my dad will just agree with her. And my brothers will start drama. And don't get me started in my sisters-"

"I am guessing you thought about this before," she interrupted, giggling.

"Maybe once or twice. But, it would be stressful."

"Not if you keep it a secret."

"Yea no. If we started dating, I wouldn't want to be a secret. I would want to embrace our relationship."

"Yea and you are just friends, right?"

"......okay so I might have a small, tiny, itty bitty crush on him. Happy?"

"Yes very. I already ship it," she smiled brightly.

"Stop. I don't even know if he likes me too."

"Look at you. You're smart, you're pretty, you're nice, you're kind, you're selfless. You're all that and more. Why wouldn't he like you?"

"You're making me seem like a queen or something."

"Cause you are, dummy. Now, since you just met, wait at least a month until you tell him you like him. So basically, 28 days." (Sis ya dropped this 👑)

"Okay, okay. Fine."

Z and I continued to talk as she walked me home. I decided to tell her a few new designs and ideas I had for Ally.

She had been helping me out with Ally since I came up with the idea. She mostly helps me with the testing for Ally.

I also told her about the new robot I was thinking of building. It doesn't really have any main purpose. I've just always wanted to build my own small robot friend.

When we got to my apartment building,  we said our goodbyes and I went up to my apartment.

I opened the door and went inside. I sat down on my couch and I started watching whatever was on tv.

That's basically how the rest of my day went. I watched tv. Then, I fell asleep on the couch. Oh, but I did wake up and eat. Afterward, I went to my room and changed. Then, I fell asleep in my bed.

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