𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗙𝗶𝘃𝗲

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Yasmin POV (Song - Burning Pile by Mother Mother)

I woke up the same time I always did. Geez. My life is that boring. Anyway, today was Friday. I really didn't think the week would go by that quick.

I really didn't want it to since I don't work on the weekends and I can't see Yoongi. But it is what it is.

After a few minutes of me laying in bed, I got up and changed. I did my hair and walked to work cause I'm still broke.

When I got to work, I went to Yoongi's room. He wasn't in the back area today. The guard opened the door and I went in.

I sat next to Yoongi and noticed he kinda looked pissed. No, no, no. I'm wrong. He was pissed.

"You good, Yoongi?" I asked.

He pulled his phone out of his pocket. It was broken into pieces. That explains it.

"Did the guards do this?"

YG: 'The lady at the front desk did it'

"Why? What happened after I left?"

YG: 'Some of the other patients told on me. So, last night they searched my room and found it. They also found the pills I didn't take and now they are, forcefully, making me take them'

"Damn, this place really is hell."

YG: 'I want to leave so bad, Yasmin. You have no idea. This place makes me want to die'

"Yoongi, don't say that. I know it sucks but there is no need for you to think like that."

YG: 'Easy for you to say. You don't know what it's like here'

"I don't but still. How about we make a deal? If you try to listen while you're here, I'll be there the day they release you"

YG: 'And we'll go out somewhere?'

"And we'll go out somewhere. Deal?"

YG: 'Deal'

"Good. I will talk to the director and see if I can be the one to give you your pill"

YG: 'What if I don't take them?'

"I'll reward you if you do."

YG: 'okay. What do you want to do today?'

"I don't know. I could fix your phone again."

YG: 'How about you talk for today? Writing is hard'


With that Yoongi gave me his phone and I began fixing it.

𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚂𝚔𝚒𝚙

The day went by pretty quickly. I finished fixing the phone and Yoongi smiled at me.

His smile is the cutest thing, I swear. I checked the time and it was 11 p.m.

"Yoongi. Try not to miss me over the weekend," I said

He giggled and waved at me as I left his room. I decided to walk home because why not.

Zara was asleep. So, I decided to call our other friend. The third one. Believe it or not, Zara is dating them.

Their name is Mae btw.

They picked up pretty quickly.

"Hey Yas. Z told me you would call," they smiled.

"I'm guessing you two are together," I said, smirking.

"We were but I had to get home to my parents. I have to watch my siblings while they go out."

"That must suck."

"It does but enough about me and my exciting life. Let's talk about this Yoongi guy."

"She told you?"

"Yup. She told me everything."

After some time, I got to my building. I said goodbye to Mae. I did my usual routine and went to bed.

Yoongi POV
I'm not usually one to like hearing people talk. But with Yasmin, its different. She is different.

Hearing her voice makes me feel at ease. She had just left and it is boring here without her.

I took out my journal and started writing. For the past few days, I've only written about her.

My therapist said I might have some sort of connection with her. Or that I just might like her. But that cant happen. Not while I'm in this prison.

Maybe when I get out we might have a future together but now isn't the time...plus she might not even like me back.

So, what's the point in getting my hopes up now?

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