𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗡𝗶𝗻𝗲

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Yasmin POV (Song - Streets by Doja Cat)

Yoongi and I were currently in his room. I was laying on his bed. He was sitting beside me. I was thinking about random thing, while he was writing in his journal.

In the blink of an eye, he was on top of me, smirking. I tried pushing him off but he grabbed my wrists and pinned me down.

'Wow, I wasn't expecting this to happen.'

He leaned down and he started leaving hickeys on my neck. I tried to get him off of me but he wouldn't budge.

Not gonna lie, ......it felt great but that's not important.

He stopped and out of nowhere, I whimpered. Like wtf me? Why would you do that? I have never hated myself more than I hated myself in that moment.

Yoongi sat up and took his shirt off.

"And that is when I woke up."

I was currently walking to work and I was on the phone Zara. I was telling her about the dream I had last night. Why? Cause it's easier than thinking about them all day.

"Damn. Why do you wake up at the best part?" She said.

"I don't know. Anyway, I don't know how to get rid of these dreams."

"Ask him to recreate them!"

"And why would I do that?"

"Cause you want to."

"I hate you," I sighed.

"Whatever. Try to tell him you like him but be subtle."

"Will that work?"

"Why wouldn't it?"

"Why would it?"

"Just trust me."

"Fine, fine. I'll try to. I'll call you after work."


I walked into the building and I swiped in. Yoongi was in the back as always. I walked in and he was sitting at the piano. He hadn't noticed me yet.

He was writing on a music sheet. He would play a few notes. Then, he would write them down. I could see a small smile on his face and that warmed my heart.

Then, my phone fell out of my pocket. Stupid small pockets. Yoongi put the paper away as fast as he could. I sighed and picked my phone up.

I sat next to Yoongi at the piano and I glared at him. He looked at me confused. I rolled my eyes and I turned away from him.

He chuckled and he laid his head on my lap. I took my phone out of my pocket and I started playing Subway Surf. Yes, I still play that game.

(Anyway, let's get to why I'm acting like I'm mad. It might guilt trip Yoongi into telling me what he is working on. So yea. I'm so smart)

Yoongi was staring at me. I could feel his eyes burning through my skull. He stood up and he pulled me up. He took my phone and he put it in his pocket.

I rolled my eyes and he kept staring at me. Me, being the person I am, I looked down. He pull my chin up and he kept staring.

"Stop staring at me," I said.

He didn't listen. I didn't expect him to either. He grabbed his dry erase board and marker.

YG: 'Why are you mad?'

"Cause you're being secretive. I thought we were friends," I sighed, rolling my eyes.

YG: 'I'm working on something for when I get out of here.'

"Who is it for?"

YG: 'It's for a friend'

"You could have told me that before."

YG: 'You never asked. Plus, you're cute when you're mad.'

"Shut up......Anyway, I have a question to ask you."

YG: 'Ask away'

"Do you have abs?"

He nodded and he started to smirk.

YG: 'Why do you ask?'

"I happen to notice that you had abs before you got here. So, I want to know if you kept them."

YG: 'How did you know that?'

"The internet is a powerful tool."

With that, he moved back and took his shirt off. I kinda started to stare. Not my fault tho. You would too if you were me.

Yoongi noticed and he put his shirt back on.

He sat next to me and he pull me closer to him. He laid his head on my shoulder and he took his phone out of his pocket. He opened it using my thumb.

The messages I had sent Z about the first dream were on the screen. Clear as day. Yoongi put my phone on my lap and he chuckled.

I didn't know what to do. My heart was racing and my mind was going crazy. The room was silent. He looked over at me and he stopped smirking.

I looked up at him and he was inches away from my face. I got shy, as usual, and I stood up.

"Okay listen....cause I am only saying this once. And I'm not saying this because I want to. I'm saying this because I need to.......ilikeyouandiwantyoutoknowthatyouaresendingmixedsignalslikedoyoulikeeteasingmeordoyoulikeem"

He looked at me confused and he gestured for me to repeat myself. I sighed and I tried to calm down.

"Yoongi, I like you. And it's hard to tell if you feel the same way. One moment, you're acting cold and stuff. Then, the next moment, you want tease me. Then, you want to be all sweet and lovey dovey.

Like you need to make up you're mind. You're sending mixed signals here....So do you like me or are we just friends? I'd rather be rejected now then a few weeks from now."

Yoongi was still processing what I had said. After a few minutes, he stood up and he walked in front of me. He leaned down and he smirked.

He was only centimeters away from my face. My breathe, then, hitched. Yoongi chuckled at my nervousness. He backed up and he grabbed his board. Then he wrote,

YG: 'I like you too, Y/n :)'

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