𝗛𝗲𝗿 𝗕𝗮𝗰𝗸𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗿𝘆

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Yasmin was described to be..."different."

She was a kind girl who had a big heart. She was one of those "weird girls" that no one liked in school and she was often looked down upon.

She didn't seem to care, though. No matter what anyone said about her, she was one of the brightest people you'll ever meet.

She was goofy like most people are. If you saw her, 9 times out of 10, she would be laughing with her friends or making jokes to herself.

No matter what the situation was, she found light in everything. Her jokes brought smiles to people's faces and that made her happy.

Just seeing how she affected those around her made her smile. She loved being happy and seeing others happy. To her, she was living a perfect life.

Unfortunately, everything changed that day.

Yasmin and her friends went out to catch up. They had been busy with school work and haven't really hung out. Sure, they called each other a lot but it wasn't the same.

They decided to go out and and eat. It was one of their favorite traditions. To go out, eat, catch up and make jokes all night long.

One of her friends, Emma, was always one to show out. Who could blame her though? She was a beautiful woman who loved to feel pretty wherever she went and dressing up always made her feel this way.

She arrived at the restaurant they would be meeting at in a short, tight red dress. She looked pretty good in it as if the dress was made for her. She told her friends that her boyfriend had cheated on her.

So, she wanted to cheat as well.

Believe it or not, her boyfriend was the one who had dropped her off. Yasmin found that to be sketchy but she brushed it off.

They all walked into the restaurant and sat down. It wasn't long before Yasmin did what she did best. She started cracking jokes.

The women were all laughing and enjoying it all. Even Emma was having fun and she was flirting with the waiter.

Yasmin could tell Emma had been drinking. Emma would usually never act like this. Sure, she was a bit bold but never this bold.

But Yasmin didn't mind. She thought she could keep her not so sober friend safe just in case anything wrong happened with this waiter.

So, she let her have her fun.

As the night went on, Yasmin noticed just how happy Emma was. It was probably the happiest Yasmin had seen her. She was smiling, laughing, just living in the moment.

But things took a sharp turn for the worse.

Her boyfriend came out of no one where and started yelling. The group looked over at him and fear was instilled in them.

A few waiters noticed this and tried to calm the man down or at least get him out of the restaurant.

Surprisingly enough, they were all kicked out for disturbing other customers. Emma and her boyfriend argued as the group tried to find a different place to go.

Yasmin's stomach turned as she stared at the broken couple. She felt as if something was going to go horribly wrong. Sadly, she was right.

Emma's boyfriend had gotten upset. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a knife. He started threatening them as he slowly walked closer.

The group backed up as he did. Emma didn't seem to care. She was drunk out of her mind and started provoking him.

Her friends tried to get her to stop but she didn't listen. She decided to punch him and run. He ran after her, shouting, and the group ran after him.

Who knows what he will do?

Emma had been laughing the whole time. She seemed so happy. You wouldn't think she was being chased by a killer. Unfortunately, that happiness didn't last long.

He was right behind her when she stopped. She turned around and smiled at him but her smiled soon faded.

Before she could run again, he grabbed her hair and began stabbing her. He kept going until it was clear that she was dead.

The group of women stood there in horror. Yasmin was paralyzed. She could feel the tears streaming down her face but she could move.

The man let go of Emma's hair and her body dropped to the ground. He stared up at something and didn't notice the group behind him.

Yasmin seemed to be the first one to come to her senses. She grabbed her friends hands and she started running. She didn't stop until she knew they were safe.

That night, Yasmin broke down. Her heard ached. She had just witnessed her best friend get killed and there was nothing she could do about it.

She didn't get much sleep because of the headache she had developed from crying so much. Instead, she stayed up, reliving what had happened over and over and over again.

After a few days, Yasmin got an investigation started. Detectives told her they would look into the case but there was not evidence to prove that that Emma was murdered.

Detectives searched Emma's house first. Once they searched her room, a suicide note was found.

They checked the basement and found her body hanging from the ceiling.

They noticed she had stab wounds but there was a knife next to her on the ground. They ruled it as a suicide case and left it at that.

The rest of the group was livid. How could she hang and stab herself? Not to mention, the note wasn't even her handwriting.

But they couldn't do anything about it. No detective was willing to reopen the case even if they had evidence that she could not stab and hang herself.

After a few, the girls decided to try to live their lives.

They acted as if Emma did commit suicide. Yasmin even pushed away the memory of her friend being killed in front of her.

She made herself believe Emma was depressed and was suicidal. She made herself believe that Emma would stab herself more than 30 times and would hang herself.

Yasmin's other friends had did the same. They missed her but they had to move on and this was the only way they could think of.

Yasmin began doing pretty well for herself.

She finished college and even got her masters. But as time went on, Yasmin noticed a shift in her personality.

She could feel it.

The light inside her had died.

When she first noticed, she tried not to think about it. But being left alone for so long and not wanting to open up can mess with someone.

She cried almost every night because of this. She felt as if she was losing control of everything around her.

She felt as if life itself was out of her control. This messed her up pretty bad.

Dark thoughts would always flood her mind when she was alone. Her motivation to live decreased as the days went by.

No matter how hard she tried, nothing was going on her favor.

Trying to distract herself, Yasmin quit her previous job and started looking for a new one. One that pays quite well.

She wanted to start a business, somewhat regain control in her life as well. To do that you need money. She also was kinda behind on rent.

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