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Yoongi POV (Song - I Just Want To Be The One You Love by Boxout) (this is a filler chapter btw)

Sunday. The worse day of the week (besides Monday). I woke up at around 5 a.m. Well, I was woken up at 5. One of the patients was about to take their meds.

The guards we're going to "help" that patient. They were basically the reason the patient had been screaming.

There was no way I would go back to sleep again. So, I sat up. I signaled for one of the guards to open the door.

I walked downstairs and into the common area. There were few patients there. They were all sitting at different tables. This was "normal" in the morning.

I walked through there and into the back area. Usually, I would communicate with my therapist after I wake up. But it's too early and his shift hasn't started yet.

So, I decided to start painting. I didn't have a canvas. So, I started painting on the wall.

I didn't really know what I was painting. I just used whatever color came to my mind.

Strangely, I did this a lot. My mind would go blank and I would just do whatever I could think of.

It took a few hours to finish painting. By the time I was done, it was 2 p.m.

I left the room and went to the second floor. That's where the personal therapists' offices were.

I walked to my therapist's office and I knocked on the door. He told me to walk in so I did. I sat down on the couch across from his.

My parents hired him. He's one of the best therapist in Korea or so they say. He hasn't really been trying to help me get out of here.

"So, Yoongi, how are you today?" He said, cheerfully.

I just rolled my eyes and shrugged. He began writing in his notepad.

"I am gonna take that as not too good. I am guessing you got woken up again, right?"

I nodded and he started writing.

"Hmmm...Let's talk about something else, shall we? How about we talk about that Yasmin girl you mention on Monday? How have things been with her?"

I softly smiled and nodded. Then, I shrugged.

"Wow, she must be a special one. Other than your bandmates, she is the only one that can get you to smile."

I could feel my cheeks heat up a bit. So, I turned my head and shrugged again.

"Wow, and she has you blushing. Do you like her?"

I shook my head. Then, I nodded.....Then, I shrugged. To be honest, I am not sure. You can say I like her but I just met her.

"Alright. Next time you see her, you should ask her if she likes you. If she has you feeling this way, you must have her feeling the same."

I nodded and I left. There was no reason to stay there.

The rest of the day was boring. I slept a lot and I started continued composing this song I have been working on.

It was a bit lonely considering the only person that I liked didn't work today.

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