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Yasmin POV (Song - I Miss The Rage by Mario Judah)

I woke up quite early. It has been a week since the accident happened. Today was the day of the court hearing for both the case and Yoongi to be released for the mental institution.

The guy had told the detectives he would plead guilty. He didn't really have a choice, tho.

The detectives stormed his house and found pictures of dead bodies. They also found a few different passports, ID, and birth certificate.

Turn out this guy was a serial killer-

The detectives told us he would cheat on his girlfriends. Whenever they would get super depressed or super upset about it, he would kill them in cold blood.

They said that it was apart of this game he liked to play. They said he had a thing for people feeling helpless and hurt. Strange, I know.

Whoever saw him do it, he harassed them. All still apart of his little game. He would hurt their loved ones and would f**k with their mind but he would never do anything physical to this person.

He would do all these things until this person couldn't take it anymore and eventually committed suicide.

They also told us the only reason he hadn't gone after any of us was because we had already convinced ourselves that wasn't "real."

The only reason he went after Yoongi was because he wouldn't stop speaking up about what happened.

Enough about all of that, though.

I walked out of my bathroom and walked into my closet. I changed into a white button up and some black slacks. I, also, put on some wedges before fixing my hair.

I put the braids i had gotten yesterday into a high bun. I grabbed my phone and my bag before making my way out the door and into the elevator.

Zara had texted me that she was outside. She and Mae were taking me to the courthouse. The rest of our group had said they would meet us there.

I walked out of the elevator and out of the building. I got into the back seat of Zara's car and put my seat belt on.

"Someone's all dressed up," She said, driving off.

"I'm not the one wearing a whole suit," i sassed.

"She picked this out. Not me."

"What? It looks good on you and this is an important day for us. Em would've wanted us to look good," Mae smiled.

"Shes not wrong," I shrugged, putting some lip gloss on.

"Yas, did you know Yoongi's group was going to be there?" Zara asked.

"Kinda. I mean, why wouldn't they come to see him get set free? But at the same time, I thought they'd be pretty busy on tour or something," I said, playing on my phone.

"Well, the court room is going to be packed. People who's friends or family members were victims are gonna be there, too," Mae added, smiling.

"Hopefully, the detectives didn't tell them what we did," I said, sighing.

"Oh come on. It's fun to be the protagonists. We're even better than the professionals."

"True but then, if they thank us for, you know, catching him, it will get all emotional. I already cried this morning in the shower. I don't feel like doing it again."

"You cry in the shower?" Mae asked.

"You don't?" Zara replied.

"Y'all are strange...but it'll be fine. I'm just glad they dropped your charges. I don't think I'd be able to live if you guys went to jail."

"I am too. It would suck if we had to do community service or spend like 3 months in jail," I sighed.

"You'd definitely become someone's bitch," Zara smirked, laughing.

"Exactly why I can never go to jail," I said, rolling my eyes.

"Whatever, we're here. If you behave two behave, I'll buy us food on the way home," she said, smiling.

"I'm too grown for that. We both know I'll behave," I said, smiling back at her.

We all walked out of the car. We caught up with the rest of our group. They were just about to walk inside when we did.

Once we got in, one of the detectives lead us to the courtroom. We walked into and we sat down on one of the empty benches in the front.

I, honestly, wanted to look this lunatic in the eyes as he was getting sentenced. Seeing his reaction would bring me such joy.

Yoongi's friends were there as well. They were sitting two benches behind us. I could hear them whispering about something.

Zara turned around and smirked. Then, she looked at me and said, "they are staring at you."

"I know that. I can feel their eyes on me," i complained, sighing.

"Do you know if Yoongi talks about you to them?" She asked, still smirking.

"No, I don't know if Yoongi talks about me. And it wouldn't matter if he did. We're just friends."

"You say that only because he hasn't been released yet."

"I wish you would go mute sometimes. You're really annoying," I said, rolling my eyes.

"That's bullying."

"That isn't bullying."

"Yes, it is."

"It's really not."

"Shut up. It's starting," Mae interrupted.

The judge walked out of their chamber and sat in their seat.

The hearing started and the guy walked into the room. He had handcuffs on his wrists and a cop behind him.

There were two more guys with him. From what the detective told me, those were the guys who had been in our apartment.

The two had helped him hide a few bodies and mess with a few witnesses. So, they were being charged as well.

The judge explain a few things about what would happen if they pleaded guilty. The guys' lawyer stated that they would be pleading guilty.

So, the judge sentenced them to life in prison without parole. As they walked out of the courtroom, i could feel them glaring at me and Zara.

I decided to turn around and wave them goodbye while smirking. Zara, on the other hand, stood up, fixed her suit, then proceeded to curse at them.

The next few cases went by pretty fast. Yoongi's case went by so quick because I wasn't paying attention. Hell, I didn't even know he walked into the courtroom.

When I came to my sense, I noticed him staring at me. He had a smile on his face. He was wearing a black suit with a black tie. I smiled back at him.

Then, I realized he was walking up to me. And everything paused.

What if he starts talking to me and his friends join in? What if he wants me to meet them? What if they want to thank me? I mean, that's good but I'm not prepared for that. What do I do? Think Yasmin. Quick. QUICK!

I did the first thing that came to mind. I walked out of the room and into the bathroom. Luckily, I didn't make too much of a scene and embarrass myself.

I stood in the bathroom, against the wall. After a few minutes, Zara walked in. She was laughing and she smiled at me.

"Why do you always get so shy at the last second?" she asked.

"It's not my fault. I haven't mentally prepared myself to meet his friends,"
I said, sighing.

"Well, they are left. Yoongi wants to see you tho. I'll be outside waiting for you, okay?"

"You're not lying to me, right?"

"Yas, be for real. Why would I lie about thi?"

"Where is he?" I sighed.

"He's standing at the exit waiting for you"

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