Chapter 28**

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38 days.

That's how long it took for him to move on. Move on.. could I even call it that? We weren't even together.

It took him 38 days to officially get back together with Amy.

She walked him to Math class one day and kissed him on the cheek as she left. I remember she gave me this soft apologetic, thankful smile.

I nodded to her in return before looking down at my desk and trying my best not to listen to Mark's friends congratulating him on his rekindling.

Mark didn't bat an eyelash at me. It wasn't like before at all. Not only would he ignore me, he would pretend that I do not exist to the point where sometimes it felt like he was right. Sometimes it felt like I was drifting away from reality. As if I was stuck in a never ending purgatory.

Riley now alternated between eating lunch with me and with Mark, Amy, and Seán.

I miss him. A lot. I think about him when I fall asleep and how his arms felt around me. Despite being the one to leave him, I've never felt so abandoned in my life. I miss him, but he's home now.

Only one tear escaped last night before I was full on sobbing. A day hasn't passed where I didn't cry over him. I haven't hurt myself though! Because I know I'm doing what's right. I can't punish myself when I'm doing what needs to be done. He should be with her. So I let myself cry and shake and feel the pain that I need to feel, but I don't cause myself any more than I need to.

My grades have been fine. I've done my best to keep up with them. They aren't as good as they were when Mark was helping me, but they aren't nearly as bad as they used to be.

I haven't been hanging out with Riley as much since she has Seán, but every Wednesday she comes over and things are good. Things never change between her and I. She's my rock. The only thing that's keeping me grounded. to this earth.

So overall, things have been pretty sucky, but I could be a lot worse. I miss him. I miss him every day. I fall asleep thinking about him and then I dream about him and I wake up thinking about him and I go to school and I think about him and I come home and fall asleep thinking about him. An endless cycle of memories and fantasies of what could have been.

It was a Saturday morning and I woke up to a notification.

Markiplier wants to send you a message

Oh God...

Reluctantly, I opened Instagram and let my thumb hover over the message icon.

After building up the courage, I tapped it and saw a very underwhelming "hey."

"Hi." I responded.

Waiting for him to reply made me anxious. What could he possibly want from me now? I've given him everything that I can.

As soon as I picked my phone back up, a notification popped up on my screen and I opened it.

Markiplier: listen whatever I did, I'm sorry. Idk why you decided you don't want me in your life or whatever, but just hear me out. I miss you. I miss everything about you. Everything. But right now in this moment I would give the world for one thing. I think about you every day and I try so hard not to. I miss your smile and your laugh and your body... I miss your body so fucking much. I miss the way your skin would bruise so easily underneath my lips and the way your breath would sound in my ear as I fucked you so good. I miss the way you'd ride my cock. No one else has every made me feel that way. God I miss the way you taste. I just wanna fuck you so hard and I know it's wrong but shit, Ethan, look at you. I need to be inside of you, balls deep, fucking you so good Eth. I wanna fuck you so bad right now. I'm touching myself as I write this, just thinking of you and your perfect body and how bad I wanna wreck it. I'd give anything to be inside of you right now I'm so hard for you, Ethan. I miss you so much.

Markiplier: Tell me that I'm crazy. Tell me that you don't miss me the way I miss you.

Me: Mark, I don't miss you. I'm sorry. I want to miss you I want to not be

I couldn't think of anything to say. I couldn't make up any excuses. I didn't want to. I erased what I said.

Me: I miss you too.

Me: Everything that you just said, I miss.

Me: I want you so fucking bad.

Markiplier: I want you too.

Markiplier: *sent a photo*

Markiplier: God just imagine it inside of you. Do you miss it? Do you miss daddy?

Markiplier: *sent a video*

Me: Holy shit yes I miss it.

Markiplier: Tell me what you want baby.

Me: you, Mark. I want you so bad. I want you so fucking bad I wanna feel you inside of me I just want you to kiss me and hold me and then fuck me so so good.

Markiplier: are you busy rn? Can I come over?

Me: my parents are home.

That was a lie. They weren't. I just needed a second to think about if this is what I really wanted.

Markiplier: mine aren't. Doors unlocked.

Me: Mark we shouldn't do this...

Markiplier: but you want to and I want to. We want this so bad.

Me: I know but...

Markiplier: But what baby? Don't think about it too hard. Just let me make you feel good. Please come over, Eth. I miss you so much.

Me: Okay.

So all in all, things kind of sucked.

A/N: sorry I've been gone. I'm back beech. You want smut or should I just skip to after? I mean I have a feeling I already know what you guys want but XD

(Happy birthday Pebs ily)

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