Chapter 10

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Mark and I had walked to a small baseball field at an elementary school, but since it was Saturday no kids were there.

It was fenced in, so we let Chica run free and she was having the time of her life.

"You wanna train with me?" Mark asked. My eyes widened in both fear and surprise.

"Sure," I said, trying to sound convincing.

He doubled over laughing with his hands on his knees. I soon joined in shouting playful "what?!"s in a high pitched voice.

"Nevermind," Mark said, crouching down to retie his shoe laces. "I'll be back."

Mark and Chica both ran around the track together as I tried not to stare.

I reached into Mark's backpack and got out two water bottles; one for him and one for Chica for when they came back.

As Mark was running, his hair bounced, no longer in his little ponytail. His eyes lit up as he kept trying to trick Chica into running in different directions.

He was actually able to outrun her for a bit, but between the combination of her determination and marks growing fatigue, it didn't last long.

He breathed strangely as he ran: exaggerated, quick deep breaths while trying to suppress a smile.

As I stared at the clouds in the sky in an attempt to take my eyes off of Mark, my phone began to buzz in my pocket.

I knew it was either my mum or Riley, so I answered without even checking.

"Hey," I said through the line.

"Hey, Eef!" Riley cheered back happily. "Are you busy?"

I explained to her that I was still with Mark and we were at the school training. After a brief laugh and Riley reminding me that I don't train, I admitted that I was watching from the sidelines as Mark and Chica excersized.

"Literally hang on I'm on my way," she said.

"What?!" I whisper yelled. "Riley, no!"

I knew that when she hatches plans like this, there's absolutely no way I could change her mind, but it was definitely worth a shot.

"Don't worry," she said with an annoyed sigh. "You don't know I'm coming we just run into each other on accident," she said.

"Riley, no this isn't a good idea," I said, trying to reason with her.

"I disagree," she chirped happily. "Be there in 10."

No way this is happening.

I jogged up next to him and he slowed his pace to match mine.

"What's up?" He asked?

Already growing tired, I grabbed his arm lightly and slowed us to a stop.

"So," I started, slightly out of breath. It was a big field okay?... "Riley asked to hang out and I told her I was with you and she's a nosy little bitch so she's on her way," I explained, very embarrassed.

Mark just chuckled and gave me an okay.

"If she's mean to you, I'm really sorry," I said. I really hope she's polite.

"Don't worry, Ethan," he said. "I'm not very scared of her."

"That makes one of us," I said with a laugh, putting my hand on his shoulder and running off of the track and next to the bleachers.

It wasn't long before Riley showed up, making a big show in front of Mark about not knowing I was here.

"What a surprise!" Mark said happily while giving me a knowing look making me chuckle.

Would You Run? Crankiplier high school AUWhere stories live. Discover now