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A/N: hey guys! This is the first chapter to my new crankiplier coffee shop AU! Ages are the same as in irl. Both Mark and Ethan make YouTube videos but they both have very small fan bases. They're also the same ages that they are IRL ^-^ This one also takes place in Ethan's point of view to begin with :) enjoy!!

'This is bullshit,' I thought to myself as I reviewed my notes from earlier on in class. My friends warned me that taking business classes would be difficult, but I had no clue what else to take.

It's only October and I'm already starting to fall behind. If I want to actually get my degree, then something needs to change. It's my last year, this should be way easier than it is.

I haven't told my mom or my friends about my falling behind because honestly I'm just kind of embarrassed by it. I mean, it's only been a month. I can't imagine how bad my grades will be by winter break.

None of this makes any sense. I'm falling a little behind in my other classes too, especially finance, but business is the worst for me.

"Solve for x using the given variable. You may use a calculator," I read aloud, mumbling alone in my bedroom. 

I rested my head in my hands, getting frustrated. "There's literally no given variable!" I stated louder this time, getting frustrated.

I hate going to my friends for help; I don't want to feel like a bother... but I suppose the alternative is worse.

I decided to text my friend Chris. He's really smart and does well in this class, though it isn't the same lesson as mine.

Me: hey man, you busy?

While waiting for him to respond, I just opened my phone and scrolled through tik tok. I debated trying to figure out the work on my own one more time but... tik tok, you know?

Unfortunately my scrolling was short lived as Chris responded within 3 minutes.

Chris: hey what's up? :)

Me: I'm drowning in algebra. Help. I beg :(

Chris: bet. I'll call you in 5

My roomate had a friend over and they were incredibly loud, so I went and asked them to turn down the music they were listening to so Chris and I could talk.

To most people, this would mean "turn the music down." To them it meant "literally press the down volume button once and pretend like it made a difference."

Fuck this. Why did I decide to rent an apartment in LA with basically a stranger? I mean I shouldn't complain, I need a roommate or else I'll have to go back to Maine and he's the only semi-kinda-ish friend that I've got here besides acquaintances from school.

Me: ah I'm really sorry. My roommate has a friend over and they're being super loud. It's fine. I'm sure I can figure it out. Maybe...

I sent Chris a short video of me sitting on my bed with an annoyed, sarcastic smile and the sound of music blaring in the background to prove my point.

Chris: Wanna go to Starbucks? My house is super loud rn too actually :)

Me: you are an absolute angel. Meet you at the one near your place?

Chris: for sure

Me: Omw now

Chris: pog:)

Chris and I had hung out once before in a bigger setting with about 8 other people, but out of everyone I've met so far in LA, he's who I've grown closest with. We both stream in our free time so that gives us something to talk about.

Would You Run? Crankiplier high school AUWhere stories live. Discover now